Local Government Law: 1999 Supplement Cases and Materials
Local Government Law: Cases and Materials
Local Government Law: Teacher's Manual, Cases and Materials On
Local Government Law: Cases and Materials, 1982 Supplement
Local Government Law: Materials Prepared for a Continuing Legal Education Seminar Held in Vancouver, B.C. on March 17 & 18,...
As a practical guidebook on local government law, this book provides a basic and empowering understanding for officials and private actors in the local government arena.
The Fourth Edition considers the unique role that local governments play in the federal system. The book asks about the distinct characteristics of local governments that distinguish them from other levels of government.
This new edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and ...
This law school casebook approaches its subject from a public law perspective. The key question is whether the executive, the legislature, or the judiciary should make a given decision, or...
Local Government Law
The legal issues facing city government change rapidly in the United States, and Cases and Materials on Local Government Law, Fourth Edition updates material throughout the book to reflect the...
This edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and the ...
This edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and the ...
Local Government Law: Legal and Related Materials
The new edition will update existing topics and will add material on important new issues, most notably immigration. It will also include, for the first time, readings on comparative and international local government law.
Local Government Law: Cases and Materials
Local Government Law: Cases and Materials
"This edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and ...
"This edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and ...
Hardbound - New, hardbound print book.