Looseleaf: Wft-Corporations
Looseleaf: EConomic Analysis of Law 8e
Looseleaf: Real Estate Transactions 3e
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Features: New introductory sections to explain the fundamentals of the criminal law that students need to know to understand many of the chapters and sub-chapters New secondary materials to provide greater social, historical, and/or ...
Looseleaf: Ethical Problems in Federal Tax Practice 4e
Torts: Cases and Questions, Second Edition, features: an exceptionally strong collection of cases arranged in pairs that challenge students to explain the distinctions between them logical organization that starts with intentional torts a ...
The 11th edition of Cases and Materials on Torts carries many successful features from earlier editions, including extensive historical materials on the evolution of tort law, an expanded treatment of public nuisance law, recent ...
Looseleaf: Evidence for Paralegals 4e
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Yeazelland Schwartz employ a pedagogical style that offers flexible organization at a manageable length. The book gives students a working knowledge of the procedural system and introduces the techniques of statutory analysis.
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Looseleaf: International and Transnational Criminal Law
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials combines classic and recent cases with discussion designed to develop students' ability to develop a nuanced understanding of this complex field of law. An esteemed author
Adaptable for instructors with different teaching techniques, this successful book includes various perspectives and contractual settings and offers a highly intelligent, contemporary treatment of contract law.
Looseleaf: Legal Research Explained 2e
Looseleaf: Federal Income Taxation Corporations and Partnerships 4e
Features: Incredibly versatile, this text has been successfully adopted at a wide range of schools and can be taught from any intellectual or political perspective Presenting tort law as a complex but coherent whole, giving students a clear ...
Looseleaf: Sex Discrimination and Law: History, Practice and Theory
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