“Would this be the very nice looking Jordan Farrell?” “Yes, but I'm not interested in him that way.” She shrugged and pulled her coppercolored hair into a ponytail and walked into the empty room. She didn't have a lot of money, ...
DUTTON Published by Penguin Group ( USA ) Inc. 375 Hudson Street , New York , New York 10014 , U.S.A. Penguin Group ( Canada ) , 90 Eglinton Avenue East , Suite 700 , Toronto , Ontario M4P 2Y3 , Canada ( a division of Pearson Penguin ...
Dr. Klein, overcompensating for his initial, convoluted explanation, was speaking incredibly slowly, enunciating every syllable, as if my inability to speak had somehow affected my ability to understand English. Unbelievable.
According to Todd Henry, the key to standing apart from the noise is to find your unique voice. Those who identify and develop their voices will gain more attention and wield more influence.
A cognition expert describes how meaning is conveyed and processed in the mind and answers questions about how we can understand information about things we've never seen in person and why we move our hands and arms when we speak. 20,000 ...
This is a book about uncompromised living. It is about choosing every day to be a man or woman of integrity, a person whose actions speak louder than words.
Author, lecturer, and Catholic covert Matthew Leonard combines the stories of the saints' triumphs and struggles along with his own personal anecdotes and wry humor to show us all a fresh take on the art of being truly Catholic in a ...
Eventually, she discovered the groundbreaking programme that became the key to helping Evan. Deeply moving, and at times heartbreaking, in Louder Than Words Jenny McCarthy reveals more than the winning formula that worked for her son.
A study of the important role character plays in every person's life offers an explanation of what it means to have strong character and advice on how to achieve that goal through insights, stories, and biblical examples. Original.
From the critically acclaimed author of "Skin Deep" and "By Any Other Name," comes the story of Rafi, a young girl who hasn't spoken for eight years, but must find the words to save her brother now that he can no longer speak for himself ...
In Louder Than Words, bestselling author and behavior expert Joe Navarro shows you how to decode what's really being said at meetings, interviews, negotiations, presentations, business meals, and more, including the casual exchanges that ...
"Twelve-year-old Dina, her mother, and two sisters must contend with the invasion of the Nazis of their small Ukrainian town during World War II. With the help of a new housekeeper, Nina, they struggle to stay safe from imminent danger to ...
"This is a conversation between poems, schools and hemispheres, including poems by students in London and New Zealand, alongside original poems by UK Poetry Slam champion Sara Hirsch.
"In this book, renowned thought leader and speaker Bob Kelleher makes the case that employee engagement is a recipe for sustained high performance across all staff levels"--Page 4 of cover.
Winner in 1997 of Ruben, Eisner, and Harvey Awards, and widely regarded as one of the greatest living cartoonists, Sergio Aragones proves again that a picture paints a thousand words, and a one-page strip is good for a million laughs!
Contains previously unpublished stories from Louise Erdrich, Anne Tyler, Mona Simpson, Ethan Canin, Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Olmstead and 16 additional writers who donated their work to benefit the hungry...
Louder Than Words
Whether you're just starting out in the field, or have experience using social media platforms with graphic design tools built in, the information offered will give you the knowledge you need to make your designs speak louder than words.
With a foreword from Dr. David Feinberg, medical director of the Resnick Neuro-psychiatric Hospital at UCLA, and an introduction by Jerry J. Kartzinel, a top pediatric autism specialist, Louder Than Words follows Jenny as she discovered an ...