At the close of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), Tibetan Geluk hierarchs sought the political and military backing of the Khoshot tribe of Mongols headed by Gushri Khan (1582–1655) in order to unify their rule over Tibet and wrest control ...
IRIN (Integrated Regional Information Networks). August 26, 2013. Anderson, Mary B. Do No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace—or War.
Love and Liberation reads the autobiographical and biographical writings of one of the few Tibetan Buddhist women to record the story of her life.
Lauren Carruth's Love and Liberation tells a new kind of humanitarian story.
Armed with nonviolent tactics and love in their heart, the couple educates and trains to free those who are caged. With captivating black and white illustrations, this is an action-packed, fun and informative read. - Publisher.
Love and Liberation: Up Front with the Feminists
Fertig is a fresh voice in Jewish historical fiction." --"The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles" ""Love and Liberation" is an inspiring and beautiful book.