"Angela Braniff's life as a mother to seven children-two biological, five adopted-is crazy, chaotic, and yet full of joy, and her story will encourage women and moms to say yes to the purpose that God has put in their lives"--
In fact, after the book was finished, they joyfully welcomed a new baby into their home, Benjamin, through adoption, making them now a family of ten! Love Without Borders shares Angela's relatable, humorous, and honest view of motherhood.
"Angela Braniff's life as a mother to seven children-two biological, five adopted-is crazy, chaotic, and yet full of joy, and her story will encourage women and moms to say yes to the purpose that God has put in their lives"--
No matter who they are, one thing that stays the same is love. They can be Chinese, Alaskan, Moroccan, or Russian. It is the same human feeling everywhere. The premise of love then is the universality and constancy of human emotions ...
This book characterizes the main persons who are a girl and a boy. Girl's name is Lily and boy's name is Basil. This is a thematic, romantic life for both of them.
Love Without Borders: A poetry collection from the heart, is a compilation of poems on faith, hope, love, and life.
... details , contact the publisher at the address below . Publisher's Cataloging - in - Publication data Villa , JR Love Without Borders ISBN 9798889105701 (Paperback) ISBN 9798889105718 (ePub e-book) Library of Congress Copyright Information.
Love Without Borders
After being separated from her children at the southern US border and deported back to her home country.
Nineteen-year old Juan Morales is a lover but not a fighter.
Powers, a musician and linguist, begins cross-cultural explorations early in life by mountaineering in the Peruvian Andes and running his "terrible tours" in Mexico and Peru.
In this parallel story of forbidden yearning, can Peter cut through the fog of misconceptions amidst the futile and violent conflict in Afghanistan, to win the hand of Marriam even as the courageous woman rises to the occasion?
In this groundbreaking book, author Samantha Nichole takes you on a heartwarming exploration of the unifying power of love.
Love Without Borders