
  • Lying
    By Sam Harris

    He focuses on "white" lies—those lies we tell for the purpose of sparing people discomfort—for these are the lies that most often tempt us.

  • Lying: Language, Knowledge, Ethics, and Politics
    By Andreas Stokke, Eliot Michaelson

    Is lying always wrong, or always at least prima facie wrong? What can one learn from a liar? Can we lie to mindless machines? These engaging questions and many more are explored at length in this accessible reference text.

  • Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life
    By Sissela Bok

    Beginning with the moral questions raised about lying since antiquity, Sissela Bok takes up the justifications offered for all kinds of lies--white lies, lies to the sick and dying, lies of parents to children, lies to enemies, lies to ...

  • Lying: An Augustinian Theology of Duplicity
    By Paul J. Griffiths

    "This book is a fascinating journey--from Augustine's total ban on lying, through the compromises of philosophers like Plato and Aquinas, to the radical espousal of truth's impossibility in Nietzche.

  • Lying: Children's Moral Judgment
    By Minghui Gao

    Lying: Children's Moral Judgment

  • Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life
    By Sissela Bok

    Beginning with the moral questions raised about lying since antiquity, Sissela Bok takes up the justifications offered for all kinds of lies—white lies, lies to the sick and dying, lies of parents to children, lies to enemies, lies to ...

  • Lying: Language, Knowledge, Ethics, and Politics
    By Andreas Stokke, Eliot Michaelson

    What I will endeavor to show is that adopting a theory of lying that ties lying closely together with the Stalnakerian notion of assertion will leave us ill-situated to explain why the lies we tell each other together are in fact lies.

  • Lying: An Augustinian Theology of Duplicity
    By Paul J. Griffiths

    The whole of the Summa's second part (IaIIae and IIaIIae together) treats human life: what it is, what it's for, how human action is and ought to be ordered. Within this overarching concern, Aquinas uses the schema of the seven virtues, ...

  • Lying: How To Tell If Someone Is Lying: Learn For Life The Honest Truth About Lying, Big Little Lies, Necessary...
    By John Market

    From attitudes, to the way they say something, this book explains what to look for." -Randy Victor ~"This book was fun and useful at work and in my personal life.

  • Lying: A Metaphorical Memoir
    By Lauren Slater

    In Lying, Lauren Slater forces us to redraw the boundary between what we know as fact and what we believe we create as fiction.

  • Lying: Language, Knowledge, Ethics, and Politics
    By Andreas Stokke, Eliot Michaelson

    Is lying always wrong, or always at least prima facie wrong? What can one learn from a liar? Can we lie to mindless machines? These engaging questions and many more are explored at length in this accessible reference text.