Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Lyndon B. Johnson
    By Susan Dudley Gold

    The Presidents of the United States George Washington 1789-1797 James Buchanan 1857-1861 Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929 John Adams 1797-1801 Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 Herbert Hoover 1929-1933 Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 Andrew Johnson ...

  • Lyndon B. Johnson: Portrait of a President
    By Robert Dallek

    A poll coming to Johnson four days before the election showed him with a 61 percent to 39 percent lead . ... Republicans began distributing , especially in the South and the West , copies of A Texan Looks at Lyndon by J. Evetts Haley .

  • Lyndon B. Johnson
    By Randy Schultz

    Collins , David and Melissa Roberts , ed . The Long Legged School Teacher : Lyndon Baines Johnson , from the Texas Hill Country to the White House . Austin , Tex .: Eakin Press , 1987 . Denenberg , Barry . Voices from Vietnam .

  • Lyndon B. Johnson
    By Debbie Levy

    ( W. Lee O'Daniel was a Texas businessman and radio personality whose popularity propelled him to the governor's seat and then to the Senate . one was the governor of Texas , W. Lee O'Daniel , known as “ Pappy .

  • Lyndon B. Johnson: The American Presidents Series: The 36th President, 1963-1969
    By Charles Peters

    Charles Peters, a keen observer of Washington politics for more than five decades, tells the story of Johnson's presidency as the tale of an immensely talented politician driven by ambition and desire.

  • Lyndon B. Johnson: Know About Speech Of Lyndon Johnson And The Vietnam War: Know About Speech Of Lyndon Johnson And...
    By Delfina Shroll

    Lyndon B. Johnson, in full Lyndon Baines Johnson, also called LBJ, 36th president of the United States (1963-69).

  • Lyndon B. Johnson
    By Megan M. Gunderson

    This biography introduces readers to the life of Lyndon B. Johnson including his military service, early political career, and key events from Johnson's administration including the Civil Rights Act, the Vietnam War, and the Voting Rights ...

  • Lyndon B. Johnson: The American Presidents Series: The 36th President, 1963-1969
    By Charles Peters

    Charles Peters, a keen observer of Washington politics for more than five decades, tells the story of Johnson's presidency as the tale of an immensely talented politician driven by ambition and desire.

  • Lyndon B. Johnson
    By Megan M. Gunderson

    This biography introduces readers to the life of Lyndon B. Johnson including his military service, early political career, and key events from Johnson's administration including the Civil Rights Act, the Vietnam War, and the Voting Rights ...

  • Lyndon B. Johnson
    By Meredith Day

    Lyndon B. Johnson, thrust unexpectedly into the presidency following John F. Kennedy's assassination, ushered in a new wave of civil rights and launched a war against poverty.

  • Lyndon B. Johnson
    By Robert David Johnson, Kent B. Germany, David Shreve

    President Johnson : I don't know . ... For instance , when you got into college at San Marcos , did the family live there then ? President Johnson : No , but they ... President Johnson : He was charging other people that had places .

  • Lyndon B. Johnson
    By Scott Barbour

    Leading a nation that had been devastated by the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, Johnson fought for civil rights and waged a "war on poverty" with his Great...

  • Lyndon B. Johnson: 36th President of the United States

    Lyndon B. Johnson: 36th President of the United States

  • Lyndon B. Johnson: Pursuit of Populism, Paradox of Power
    By Luke A. Nichter

    Over the decades, histories of Lyndon Johnson have continued to evolve.

  • Lyndon B. Johnson
    By Megan M. Gunderson

    The United States president preserves, protects, and defends the U.S. Constitution.

  • Lyndon B. Johnson
    By Jim Hargrove

    Surveys the life of the Texas politician who became America's thirty-sixth president and faced great public controversy during the war in Vietnam.