... 65 , 137-8 , 146–7 , 158 , 181 , Phillips , Admiral Sir Tom , 62 226 Pilar River , 77 Pearson , Drew , 42 Pogue ... 28 Pongani , 112 Perryville , 3 Popondetta , 114 Pershing , General John J. , 11-12 , 16–20 , 23-4 , Port Moresby ...
General Douglas MacArthur was one of the most colorful, controversial, and image-conscious military figures of the twentieth century.
General Douglas MacArthur was one of the most colorful, controversial, and image-conscious military figures of the twentieth century.
Les grands stratèges américains de la Seconde Guerre mondiale se comptent sur les doigts d'une seule main. Les deux premiers sont incontestablement l'amiral Nimitz et le général MacArthur, le second...
Douglas MacArthur is best remembered for his ability to adapt, a quality that catalyzed his greatest accomplishments.