Gundimeda, Haripriya, Pavan Sukhdev, Rajiv K. Sinha, and Sanjeev Sanyal. 2007. “Natural Resource Accounting for Indian ... Jeffrey, Karen, Hanna Wheatley and Saamah Abdallah. 2016. “The Happy Planet Index 2016: A Global Index of ...
In 1920 a German postage stamp cost 4 marks; in 1923 the same stamp cost 50 billion marks. ExpEriEnCEs of hypErinflation During the period of German hyperinflation in the 1920s, a story was told of someone taking stacks of deutsche ...
macroeconomic model 358 Graeber, David 392 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1999) 401 Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act (1985) 594 graphing review ... Alan 432, 538 gross domestic product see GDP gross federal debt 584–586, 590; foreign holders of 591; ...
It examines a number of ecological challenges and includes a section on global climate change. ... with our associate Dr. Patrick Dolenc to create an Instructor's Resource Manual and Test Bank to accompany Macroeconomics in Context.
Throughout the chapters, boxes enliven the material with real-world illustrations drawn from a variety of sources regarding ... An Instructor's Resource Manual and Test Bank to accompany Macroeconomics in Context are available.
This book is divided into four parts, covering the following key issues: The context of economic analysis, including basic macroeconomic statistics and tools; The basics of macroeconomic measurements, including GDP, inflation, and ...
Like its counterpart, Microeconomics in Context, the book is attuned to economic realities--and it has a bargain price.
Macroeconomics in Context
This volume lays out the principles of macroeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date and relevant to students.
An Instructor's Resource Manual, a Test Bank, and a Student Study Guide are available online to instructors who adopt the text.
The supplements package for this book includes an Instructor's Resource Manual and Test Bank to accompany Macroeconomics in Context. To access these electronically, send a request via e-mail to ...
Macroeconomics In Context