( Washington , D.C .: GPO , 1988 ) ] . 8. The 1992 Information Please Almanac , 45th ed . ( New York : Houghton Mifflin Co. , 1992 ) , 824 . 9. Edwin Meese III , " Crime and Punishment in Modern America , ” in Patrick McGuigan and Jon ...
government, however, if installed without thought to the implications for agency workloads.10 Compact Optical Disks ... WORM (write-once read-many times) and magneto-optic disks use nonstandard formats and therefore are not suitable for ...
This report, published in its entirety (OTA-TCT-578) and in a summary form (OTA-TCT-579) containing only the first chapter of the complete report, focuses on key topics and issues that are...
The benefits are ample, so are the challenges. This book describes both, along with practical steps taken by practitioners to make government work better.
" As remedy he pulls antidotes from anecdotes about his personal experiences in making government work in spite of itself for the past half century.
The book contains a star-studded line up of some of today’s most powerful voices, including Nikki Haley, Chuck Norris, Rick Perry, Kathy Ireland, Rick Santorum, Chad Hennings, Jeb Bush, Dr. Art Laffer and Bob Woodson along with many more.
The U.S. Constitution required that the two branches of the federal government work in concert, but it also mandated a separation of powers. Inevitably, this situation has led to a clash of wills and a contest
Making Government Work
Making Government Work: The Constitution and Education