Making Things Happen

  • Making Things Happen: A Theory of Causal Explanation
    By James Woodward

    P. French, T. Uehling, and H. Wettstein. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. Humphreys, P. 1989. ... Johnston, J. 1992. "Econometrics: Retrospect and Prospect." In The Future of Economics, ed. J. Hey. Oxford: Blackwell.

  • Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management
    By Scott Berkun

    This book explains to technical and non-technical readers alike what it takes to get through a large software or web development project. It does not cite specific methods, but focuses on philosophy and strategy.

  • Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management
    By Scott Berkun

    Don't ambush anyone, but don't shy away from lining things up to make progress happen. • Hunt people down. If something is urgent and you are not getting the response time you need, carve out time on your schedule to stake out the ...

  • Making Things Happen: On Casablanca and Other World War II Icons
    By Richard Raskin

    These are just a few of the questions dealt with in this book, which should interest anyone who remains fascinated by films, songs, photos and other representations of the Second World War.

  • Making Things Happen: A Path to Creative Freedom
    By Zollyann Howell

    This book inspires you to boss up and set massive goals for yourself. It includes manifestation prayer, mantra, customizable vision board templates, inspirational quotes, phrases, etc.

  • Making Things Happen: A Theory of Causal Explanation
    By James Woodward, James Francis Woodward

    In doing so, he shows how the manipulationist account both illuminates important features of successful causal explanation in the natural and social sciences and avoids the counterexamples and difficulties that infect alternative approaches ...

  • Making Things Happen: How to be an Effective Volunteer
    By Joan Wolfe

    Volunteerism is the backbone of the environmental movement. Unfortunately many volunteers are not as effective as they could be because they must perform jobs for which they have little or...