
  • Mammals
    By Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff


  • Mammals
    By Melissa Stewart

    Robinson , W. Wright . Animal Architects : How Mammals Build Their Amazing Homes . Blackbirch , 1999 . Stotsky , Sandra . Amazing Mammals . Chelsea House , 1999 . way , Marlene . Bats : Mammals that Fly . Franklin Watts , 1999 .

  • Mammals
    By V. Susan Bennett-Armistead


  • Mammals
    By George McKay, Carson Creagh

    The paperback edition of Discoveries - Mammals.The author hopes this book will help readers to understand the wonderful variety of mammals and the need to protect the forests in which many of them live.

  • Mammals
    By George McKay, David Kirshner


  • Mammals
    By Peter C. Alden

    Coloring is fun! It can be even more fun when you're learning something while coloring. Each drawing in this coloring book has a colored sticker to match so that you can place the sticker next to the drawing.

  • Mammals
    By Sally Morgan

    'Animal Kingdom' explores how and why animals are classified in specific groupings. Each title examines the factors that distinguish animal groups, such as, anatomy, life cycle, behaviour and habitat.

  • Mammals
    By DK

    Discover which mammals lurk in the deep jungle, dwell in the forest and even those that live in water!

  • Mammals
    By Jenny E. Tesar

    40 : © Hugo Van Lawick / Jane Goodall Institute ; p.42 : © Gregory G. Dimijian / Photo Researchers , Inc .; p . 43 : Taronga Zoo , Sydney / © Tom McHugh / Photo Researchers , Inc .; p .

  • Mammals: a Very Short Introduction
    By Thomas Stainforth Kemp

    ... DRUIDS Barry Cunliffe EARLY MUSIC Thomas Forrest Kelly THE EARTH Martin Redfern EARTH SYSTEMA SCIENCE Tim Lenton ECONOMICS Partha Dasgupta EDUCATION Gary Thomas EGYPTIAN NAYTH Geraldine Pinch E|GHTEENTH-CENTURY BRITAIN Paul Langford ...

  • Mammals
    By Melvin Berger, Gilda Berger

    8 yourlg §c|'e book oo~ta|'~5 22 true-or-Fa\Se queSt|'o~5 with a photograph 0N every page. Read the queStio~ o~ the right awd turw the page to gee the a~5wer 0N the \eFt! IISCHOLASTIC www.scholas1' $4 99 US / $5 99 CAN ISBN “I75 D ...

  • Mammals
    By Nancy Furstinger

    The book, Animals Have Classes Too!

  • Mammals: A Compare and Contrast Book
    By Katharine Hall

    "All mammals share certain characteristics that set them apart from animal classes. But some mammals live on land and other mammals spend their lives in water--each is adapted to its environment.

  • Mammals
    By Kelly Gaffney

    Over four thousand different types of mammals exist in the world. Many favourite pets and farm animals are mammals, but what makes them alike?

  • Mammals: Hairy, Milk-Making Animals
    By Laura Purdie Salas

    Describes the physical characteristics, subgroups, habitats, and behaviors of mammals.

  • Mammals: Whales, Panthers, Rats, and Bats : the Characteristics of Mammals from Around the World
    By Gallimard Jeunesse

    Reusable vinyl stickers, mix-and-match flaps, a fold-out page, and other features present information about the physical features, habits, and behavior of many different mammals.

  • Mammals: Their Reproductive Biology and Population Ecology
    By J. R. Flowerdew

    Mammals: Their Reproductive Biology and Population Ecology

  • Mammals
    By Steve Parish, Gregory Czechura, Queensland Museum Staff

    Collect all books in this stunning series to learn more about Australia's unique people, land and wildlife, and its past and present.

  • Mammals
    By Juliet Clutton-Brock, Don E. Wilson

    Lavishly illustrated with full-color photographs, this latest addition to the Smithsonian Handbook series is filled with in-depth descriptions, fascinating facts, and annotated profiles of more than five hundred species of animals ...

  • Mammals
    By Barbara Taylor

    Have you ever wondered why beavers have flat tails or how camels survive in the desert? Mammals provides the answers to these and many other fascinating questions.