To achieve this, Managerial Accounting, 12/E, focuses, now as in the past, on three qualities: Relevance. Every effort is made to help students relate the concepts in this book to the decisions made by working managers.
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting, South African Edition delivers a unique learning system that is integrated through the entire managerial accounting journey - ensuring students will leave the course with the knowledge they need to be ...
In a practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each chapter is written around a realistic business or focus company that guides the reader through the topics of that chapter.
In a practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each chapter is written around a realistic business or focus company that guides the reader through the topics of that chapter.
In a practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each chapter is written around a realistic business or focus company that guides the reader through the topics of that chapter.
Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment
This succinct and enlightening overview is a required reading for advanced graduate-level students. We hope you find this book useful in shaping your future career.
The emphasis throughout the text is on using accounting information to help manage an organization, while explaining concepts in a way that students can relate to.
This classic MBA text balances managerial accounting coverage with a strong emphasis on management decision-making. You learn how to truly use the financial information, rather than simply perfect your accounting techniques.
Similarly, Garrison/Noreen/Brewer has successfully guided millions of students through managerial accounting, lighting the way and helping them sail smoothly through the course"--
The emphasis throughout the text is on using accounting information to help manage an organization, while explaining concepts in a way that students can relate to.
Pair Managerial Accounting with Phillips/Libby/Libby Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 6e, to provide a truly comprehensive solution to your students"--
The latest examples and scenarios throughout this edition highlight familiar companies and emerging topics, such as data analytics, sustainability, quality cost, lean accounting, international accounting, enterprise risk management, and ...
Establish a strong foundation in accounting fundamentals that will help you succeed in your career and business with Warren/Tayler s MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING, 16E.
Pair this book with our new Managerial Accounting Cases by Carty and Wick for a complete solution for your Managerial Accounting needs.
There are two WileyPLUS platforms for this title, so please note that you should purchase this version if you course code starts with an A. This packages includes a loose-leaf edition of Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision ...
Managerial Accounting
Whitecotton, Managerial Accounting 3e and Connect present an integrated and proven solution designed to help attain course goals of student readiness and motivation, comprehension of content, and application of key concepts.
This edition's new structure is based on research about how to deliver content to students and how to mirror the way instructors have told us they teach! The authors have organized this edition into a NEW!
This package includes a copy of ISBN 9781119234074 and a registration code for the WileyPLUScourse associated with the text.