Managerial Accounting, 3rd Edition by Charles and Elizabeth Davis offers a modern, practical approach to teaching and learning managerial accounting based on a unique integration of concepts, practice, and business context within distinct ...
Product costs are identical to manufacturing costs and include direct labor, direct material, and manufacturing overhead. Product costs are ... LEARNING OBJECTIVE 3 Describe the flow of product costs in a manufacturing firm's accounts.
This classic text for MBA programs offers balanced coverage of concepts, methods, and uses of managerial accounting with an increasingly strong emphasis on management decision-making. This approach helps focus on...
In this new edition, all content has been carefully reviewed and revised to ensure maximum student understanding. At the same time, the time-tested features that have proven to be of most help to students have been retained"--
The emphasis of Managerial Accounting, 9th edition is on teaching students to use accounting information to best manage an organization. In a practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each...
Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
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In a practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each chapter is written around a realistic business or focus company that guides the reader through the topics of that chapter.
Managerial Accounting
Also consistent with this series is Managerial Accounting’s focus on the “Three C’s”: •Clear presentation of accounting concepts, •Concise coverage to help students focus on important material, •Cutting edge technology to ...
Much like the Ready Notes, this booklet offers a hard copy version of all the Teaching Transparencies. Students can annotate the material during the lecture and take notes in the space provided.
Managerial Accounting
Wild’sManagerial Accountingresponds to the market’s request for a book with a balance between large and small business, and one that is contemporary yet succinct and assessable for today’s students. With...
Managerial Accounting: Ready Notes
Most managerial accounting texts emphasize the mechanics of managerial accounting.
... instructors could confidently assign problems without having to check for applicability . Also , we took notes while teaching from the text and clarified problem and exercise instructions that seemed confusing to our students ...
A wealth of actual business examples throughout this edition include more service-oriented situations to mirror the shift toward the service industry in the economy today. A new emphasis on ethics prepares students for CPA and CMA exams.
This package includes a three-hole punched, loose-leaf edition of ISBN 9781118064504 and a registration code for the WileyPLUS course associated with the text.
Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making 8E