This has provided airports with greater incentive to develop innovative and aggressive market strategies so that they can ... (2010) provided a marketing guidebook for small airports; Jarach (2005) examined the new management vision of ...
The first significant trade sale was in 1990 when 76 per cent of Liverpool airport, previously owned by local government, was sold to British Aerospace ( Table 2.2 ). Subsequently a number of other UK airports, such as East Midlands, ...
The book: * tackles the key airport management issues related to economic performance, marketing and service provision within the context of the industry's wider development * systematically considers the impact that airports have on the ...
This edition has been updated to include: - New content on: the significant economic and operational impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global air transport industry, technological and digital advances, the changing air transport ...
Therefore, one view is to consider modern airports as so-called two-sided businesses or markets, which offer services to ... This can cover many activities, including flight training, police aviation, air ambulance, aerial firefighting,
'Managing Airports' provides a comprehensive in-depth study of the modern international airport industry. It analyses the trends towards privatisation and globalisation, which are fundamentally changing the nature of the industry....