This book offers 50 easy-to-read strategies for managing conflicts in your school involving students, parents, and teachers.
This book also includes conflict resolution toolkits for managers, HR teams, employees and unions to help tackle conflict and bullying at work.
Abstract: A guidebook outlines a step-by-step process for dealing with conflicts in any kind of situation for managers, supervisors, and individuals, alike. The handbook format offers a systematic, problem-solving, pragmatic...
This book presents a framework for diagnosing recurring conflicts and suggests several basic options for controlling or resolving them.
This book covers the causes and costs of conflict, the impact of the psychological contract and the legal framework for managing workplace disputes both in the UK and internationally.
The book offers sociological perspectives on cooperation, conflict, and conflict resolution to help readers think beyond the individual and consider the skills that build good communication.
The author proposes that conflict is as natural as harmony and that it is even necessary for the attainment of positive goals. He focuses not on the elimination of conflict...