Homewood , IL : Irwin . Carrell , M. R. , Kuzmits , F. E. , & Elbert , N. F. ( 1989 ) . Personnel , human resources management ( 3rd ed . ) . Columbus , OH : Merril . Cherrington , D. J. ( 1987 ) . Personnel management ( 2nd ed . ) .
Employee Judy Williams Department Customer Service Supervisor Pat Robbins Witness NancyJacobs Employee complaint My supervisor isgivingall the good customer site visits to Nancy Jacobs. She gets better experience and is clearly the ...
Arup Varma, Richard W. Beatty, Craig Eric Schneier, and David O. Ulrich, “High Performance Work Systems: Exciting Discovery or Passing Fad?” Human Resource Planning 22, no. 1 (1999): 26–37; Martha Gephart and Mark Van Buren,“Power of ...
"Practical tips and suggestions provide effective ways of dealing with problems in hiring, training, leadership, discipline, performance appraisal, and compensation administration."--Back cover.
Managing Human Resources, 10e is completely updated to include the latest laws and reglations governing HR; covers contemporary issues such as HR strategy, employee rights, violence in the workplace, building community, reengineering, and ...
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New edition of a text that offers coverage of the latest research findings about how successful organizations manage human resources in order to compete effectively in a dynamic global environment.
"This twelfth edition is the first to be published by Oxford University Press. Eleven editions were previously published by Cengage Learning."
Managing Human Resources
Managing Human Resources
Bernardin , H. J. ( 1986 ) . A performance appraisal system . In R. A. Berk ( ed . ) , Performance assessment . Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press , pp . 277304 . 10. Bernardin , H. J. , & Beatty , R. W. ( 1984 ) .
Numerous practical examples throughout the text highlightcontemporary HR issues, such as: Employee engagement Flexible working arrangements Work-life balance Generational issues in the workplace Skills shortages in various industries The ...
... Long Island University Steve Karau, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Joseph Kavanaugh, Sam Houston State University John Kelley, Villanova University Dennis Lee Kovach, Community College of Allegheny County Kenneth Kovach, ...
Wayne Cascio's Managing Human Resources, 7/e, is perfect for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people.
This revised edition is a comprehensive, authoritative set of essays. It is more detailed and analytical than the mainstream treatments of HRM.
This new and thoroughly revised edition of the best sellingPersonnel Management text by Stephen Bach provides anauthoritative analysis of the latest developments in the field forstudents and professionals. new chapters reflect the ...
"The 18th edition ... will place your students at the forefront of understanding how organizations can gain a sustainable competitive advantage through people."--Preface
The approach used in this text makes human resources relevant to anyone who has to deal with HR issues in the workplace, even those who do not hold the title of manager.
This book helps readers feel comfortable identifying and dealing with the opportunities and challenges facing human resource management, enabling managers to view the issues and challenges from the viewpoints of...
This leading book emphasizes overall practicality and application. Practical tips and suggestions provide effective ways of dealing with problems in communication, leadership, discipline, performance appraisal, and compensation administration.