Managing Human Resources is for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people.
This is the third edition of a book which has gained wide acceptance in universities and colleges for use on advanced courses in human resource management.
This book centers on business decision-making and managerial problem-solving, consistent with today's best practices' Human Resource Management Practice and Research.
The book's engaging writing style and strong visual design use more than 500 memorable examples from actual organizations to illustrate key points and connect concepts to current HR practice.
Considers the principles and practices of the corporation personnel function in the content of the complex social, political, legal, and economic environments
This revised edition is a comprehensive, authoritative set of essays. It is more detailed and analytical than the mainstream treatments of HRM.
Wayne Cascio's Managing Human Resources, 7/e, is perfect for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people. It explicitly links the relationship between productivity, quality...
Wayne Cascio's Managing Human Resources, 6/e, is perfect for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people.
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Managing Human Resources 11e is for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people.
This new edition includes examples of companies in many different industries, sizes, and countries.
All materials have been thoroughly updated in this edition including more than 800 new references.
More specifically, this book contains over 30 different situations that illustrate both classic and contemporary human resources problems.
"I did not write this book for students who aspire to be specialists in human resource management (HRM).
Questions It is not just younger candidates who play a lot of video games who like the tests. ... Technology: Job Tryouts Go Virtual,” HR Magazine (September 1, 2006),; Gina Ruiz, “Job Candidate Assessment Tests Go ...
The text builds on a foundation of research and theory but also provides a practical framework focusing on critical issues and successful practices.
Human resource management practitioners will also have an interest in this book volume. This book volume crafts an exciting, original account on the changes and requirements on managing human resources within the context of the new normal.
Managing Human Resources, 10e is completely updated to include the latest laws and reglations governing HR; covers contemporary issues such as HR strategy, employee rights, violence in the workplace, building...
This text helps students identify and deal with the opportunities and challenges managers often encounter. It provides students with an understanding of the fundamental ways in which organizations manage their...
Fresh examples throughout this edition spotlight the latest developments and critical trends, while connecting to engaging topics that are current and applicable to YOU!