This guide offers tips for learning how to say no, and provides the author's tested way to respond to stress by using the CALM approach: C--Change the things you can; A--Accept the things you can't change; L--Let go; M--Manage your ...
Managing Stress will give you practical, hands-on suggestions for managing workplace stress, from short term fixes to long-term methods for changing the situation and or changing your response to the situation.
Includes "recipes that ... feature healthful ingredients."
This book addresses to all these aspects of stress management and is a practical guide for those who want to translate these techniques into practice to make their lives more liveable.
2004 AJN BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD WINNER!Referred to as the "bible of stress management" by students and professionals, Managing Stress, Fourth Edition contains the most comprehensive approach honoring the...
This is a must-have resource for any student who would like to manage their studies more effectively and deal with challenges in a more resourceful way.
Universities and colleges (and their staff) have undergone dramatic and stressful change over the past few years. Managing Stress identifies the nature of stress for individuals, and what causes it...
... ( 2016 ) . Visiting Physician Sheds New Light on Lyme Disease . Martha's Vineyard Times . July 13 . Talbot , M. ( 2021 ) . The ... 1–6 . Wright , R. J. , & Cohen S. ( 2005 ) . Stress and allergy . The Doctor Will See You Now . http://www ...
Referred to as the “authority on stress management” by students and professionals, this book equips readers with the tools needed to identify and manage stress while also coaching on how to strive for health and balance in these ...
Managing Stress
This innovative series covers a wide range of management topics.Each title is a comprehensive, yet compact source of easy reference for all those in, or aspiring to a position of responsibility, with a focus on developing and enhancing ...