Managing the World Economy

  • Managing the World Economy
    By John Mills

    The reasons for the performance of the world economy over the last two hundred years being well below the achievable optimum stem mainly from misconceptions about macroeconomic policy, which the book sets out to explain and correct.

  • Managing the World Economy: The Consequences of Corporate Alliances
    By Peter F. Cowhey, Jonathan David Aronson

    See also James P. Womack , Daniel T. Jones , and Daniel Roos , The Machine That Changed the World ( New York : Rawson Associates , 1990 ) . 3. No persuasive economic argument exists that voluntary export restraints aimed against Japan ...

  • Managing the World Economy: Fifty Years After Bretton Woods
    By Peter B. Kenen

    The Group of Seven major industrial democracies, at their Naples summit in July 1994, decided to consider "What framework of institutions will be required to meet the challenges of the...

  • Managing the World Economy: Will We Ever Learn?
    By Stephen Marris

    Managing the World Economy: Will We Ever Learn?

  • Managing the World Economy
    By J. Mills

    The reasons for the performance of the world economy over the last two hundred years being well below the achievable optimum stem mainly from misconceptions about macroeconomic policy, which the book sets out to explain and correct.