2002 , 1999 , 1996 , 1992 , 1987 , 1982 , and 1976 by Pearson Education , Inc. Upper Saddle River , New Jersey 07458 All ... Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 ISBN 0-13-034172 - X Pearson Education Ltd. Pearson ...
While Rama does not seem to have been considered divine at first , and his devotion did not become really popular until fairly recent times , he is now firmly established as an incarnation of Vishnu . He remains , however , essentially ...
This classic work helps students gain a sense of each religion's unique characteristics while tackling some of today's most critical religious issues.
Many Peoples, Many Faiths: Instructor's Manual with Tests
Many Peoples, Many Faiths: An Introduction to the Religious Life of Humankind
For more than three decades this introduction to the world's religions, Many Peoples, Many Faiths has combined factual information with empathic writing that seeks to convey the flavor of our...
Women and Men in the World Religions Robert S. Ellwood, Barbara A. McGraw. and Japanese Buddhist and other temples, one senses a close harmony of the human and natural orders. e. deities and guides of humankind dwell in virtual ...
Many Peoples, Many Faiths
Many Peoples, Many Faiths: An Introduction to the Religious Life of Humankind