Robson, Philip. “Therapeutic aspects of cannabis and cannabinoids.” The British Journal of Psychiatry 178, no. 2 (2001): 107–115. Sieradzan, K.A., S.H. Fox, M. Hill, J. P. R. Dick, A. R. Crossman, and J. M. Brotchie.
Drawing on scientific evidence from medicine, psychology, criminology, and sociology, this book explores the veracity of claims about marijuana use and misuse.
Within this book learn about the long and short-term effects of marijuana which includes physical addiction, emotional addiction, expense, health problems, arrest for possession and for other drug-related crime and overdose.
Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in Amer ica.
3 (1994): 244–68; Catalina LopezQuintero, José Pérez de los Cobos, Deborah S. Hasin, Mayumi Okuda, Shuai Wang, Bridget F. Grand, and Carlos Blanco, “Probability and predictors of transition from first use to dependence on nicotine, ...
MARIJUANA: NOT GUILTY AS CHARGED is a powerful and courageous book exposing the fact that marijuana is the least harmful illegal drug in the world -- actually less harmful than most legal drugs, including aspirin.
Marijuana used in the correct manner has great benefits for everyone.In the future, Marijuana will be able to be a force for good if the lawmakers let this magical plant be freely available.Let's hope this happens.
This is a complete guide that is explained in a step-by-step format with pictures which will make growing cannabis easy for you. The Secret to Growing Great Cannabis is Within This Book.
In this compilation of articles, readers encounter a journalistic history of cannabis use.
The debate over the use of marijuana for recreational or medical purposes is not just a recent hot topic in America--it's been an ongoing issue and argument for centuries. This book examines the controversy from all angles.
This is followed by separate chapters on the effects of marijuana on motor and mental performance; marijuana-memory research; a model of attention which can be used to describe the effects of marijuana use on cognition; and the effects of ...
Marijuana: A Short History tells this story, and that of states stepping up to enact change.
A Reference Handbook David E. Newton ... The cost of incarcerating prisoners in the United States varies significantly by state and prison, but according to a 2012 VERA Institute of justice report the price of prisons to taxpayers is ...
This book chronicles the history of marijuana in various cultures, specifically focusing on its role in Western society and the heated debates that have surrounded its use and abuse.
... Everyday Drugs: A False Sense of Security Painkillers: Prescription Dependency Recreational Ritalin: The Not-So-Smart Drug Sedatives and Hypnotics: Deadly Downers Steroids: Pumped Up and Dangerous Tobacco: Through the Smoke Screen.
Marijuana Chemistry: Genetics, Processing, Potency. 2nd ed. Berkeley, CA: Ronin Publishing, 2009. Stoa, Ryan. Craft Weed: Family Farming and the Future of the Marijuana Industry. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology ...
Total state revenue from taxes, licenses, and fees increased by 77% from calendar year 2014 to 2015, ... the end of the dispute over such issues (see, for example, the debates over abortion and same-sex marriage in the United States).
This volume presents readers with both sides of the issue, encouraging them to think critically about whether or not marijuana should be legalized nationally.
" New laws regarding the marijuana's legalisation have led to more questions and increased interest in the effect marijuana has on its users. Chapter One of this book discusses differences across motivation variables and marijuana use.
This single-volume resource provides sound, up-to-date information and authoritative resources for research on the controversial topics of the use of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes and the effects of marijuana use on ...