
  • Mark: Gospel of the Servant King
    By Karen Lee-Thorp, David E. Garland

    Yet despite the dangers and rejection, sowers sow anyway because there will be a harvest. We needn't be cynical, and we mustn't retreat. 6. The people's hunger really is physical, but it also points to their spiritual hunger. 7.

  • Mark
    By William C. Placher

    WILLIAM PLACH ER inaugurates the landmark series Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible with this splendid commentary on the Gospel of Mark. “One could not ask for a better introduction to this promising series than William ...

  • Mark: The Gospel of Jesus
    By William G. Johnsson

    The Messianic Secret Three times in Mark 1:21-2:17 the writer tells us that Jesus "amazed" those who saw and heard Him. The worshippers in the synagogues were astounded at His teaching (Mark 1:22) and then amazed at the exorcism (verse ...

  • Mark
    By Mary Ann Beavis

    Wolfgang Roth finds an inverted Elisha-Jesus typology here: “Jesus's reaction is . . . reminiscent of the brief story of Elisha's cursing of children who had mocked him when he left the city of Jericho (2 Kings 2:23–24).

  • Mark
    By Timothy G. Gombis

    " - Andy Stanley "Opens up the biblical story in ways that move us to act." - Darrell L. Bock "It makes the text sing and helps us hear the story afresh." - John Ortberg "This commentary breaks new ground." - Craig L. Blomberg

  • Mark
    By Timothy Gombis

    A new commentary for today's world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible's grand story.

  • Mark
    By N. T. Wright

    With a scholar's mind and a pastor's heart, Tom Wright walks you through Mark in this guide designed especially with everyday readers in mind.

  • Mark: Good News for Today
    By Sandy Larsen, Dale Larsen, Dale

    Mark: Good News for Today

  • Mark: Parables of Jesus
    By Nelson Impact

    Key Features Include: Timelines Fun cultural facts and probing questions Plenty of room for taking notes Biblical and present-day maps Other study guides in the series include: 1 Corinthians ISBN: 1418506192 Exodus ISBN: 1418506168 Genesis ...

  • Mark: Images of an Apostolic Interpreter
    By Carl Clifton Black

    An overview of the chreiai is provided by Vernon K. Robbins , in Aune , Greco - Roman Literature and the New Testament , 1-23 . Burton L. Mack and Vernon K. Robbins , Patterns of Persuasion in the Gospels , FFLF ( Sonoma . Calif .

  • Mark: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
    By Evangelist Markus, Christopher Stephen Mann, Patrick Mann

    Paris : Éditions du Cerf , 1977 . Edlund , Conny . Das Auge der Einfalt : Eine Untersuchung zu Math . 6.22-23 und Luk . 11.34-35 . Copenhagen : Ejnar Munksgaard , 1952 . Eichholz , George . Einführung in die Gleichnisse .

  • Mark
    By David E. Garland

    Brimming with lavish, full-color photos and graphics, the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary walks you verse by verse through all the books of the New Testament.

  • Mark
    By David E. Garland

    David E. Garland. ZONDERVAN The NIVApplication Commentary: Mark Copyright © 1998 by David E. Garland Requests for information should be addressed to: Zondervan, 3900 Sparks Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 Library of Congress ...

  • Mark
    By David E. Garland

    David E. Garland. faith that led to their healing.22 One gets further insight into what faith entails by examining these ... David Aune, “Magic in Early Christianity,” in ANRW, vol. 2, pt. 23 (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1980), 1536. 24.

  • Mark: A Theological Commentary for Preachers
    By Abraham Kuruvilla

    ... 260, 284n5, 285, 301, 326 Gurtner, Daniel M., 346 Guttenberger, Gudrun, 175n8 Harrington, Daniel, xiv, 51n12, 66, ... xviii, 9n30, 151n23, 358 Robbins, Vernon K., 111n7 Rudolph, David J., 148 Russell, Bertrand, 248 Salyer, Gregory, ...

  • Mark: A New Covenant Commentary
    By Kim Huat Tan

    Bammel, E., editor. 1970. The Trial of Jesus: Cambridge Studies in Honour of C. F. D. Moule. Studies in Biblical Theology 13. London: SCM. Barr, J. 1988. “Abba Isn't Daddy.” JTS 39:28–47. Barrett, C. K. 1959.

  • Mark
    By Johnnie C. Godwin

    Written in clear, readable style, this 24-volume set is designed to give a thorough and easily understood exposition of each book of the Bible.

  • Mark: A Commentary
    By Adela Yarbro Collins

    * A new and distinctive take on the earliest Gospel * Thoroughly gounded in traditional disciplines---but also archaeology and the social sciences

  • Mark: A Commentary
    By Roger Stronstad

    Focusing primarily on Mark's Gospel, with minimal interaction with Matthew and Luke and even the broader Greco-Roman culture, this commentary seeks to identify the ways in which the religious culture of intertestamental Judaism informs the ...

  • Mark
    By Dr. Gerald L. Woodruff

    Mark 14:36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt. Romans 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have ...