Marketing essentials: mastering concepts and practices
Marketing Essentials
Marketing Essentials
Marketing Essentials
This sampler package contains transparencies and teaching suggestions designed to illustrate a marketing pinciple being made in the textbook Marketing essentials, 2nd ed.
Marketing Essentials: Transparency package
Marketing Essentials: Student Activity Workbook
Marketing Essentials: Teacher Wraparound Edition
Marketing Essentials: Student Activity Workbook with Academic Integration, Teacher Annotated Edition
Marketing Essentials: Marketing Math Workbook
Marketing Essentials
Marketing Essentials
This edition's fresh, streamlined design focuses on captivating examples and innovative applications that ensure readers not only understand marketing concepts, but also know how to effectively apply concepts to actual business practices.
Considered the nation number one marketing program, Marketing Essentials is the essential text for introducing students to the skills, strategies, and topics that make up the ever-changing world of marketing.
This textbook is a useful companion for the CIM professional marketing qualification.
Marketing Essentials
This comprehensive text is easy to read, reflects accurately the current thinking in the world of marketing and is informative, interesting and topical.
Marketing Essentials
Each chapter is packed full of case studies, study tips and activities to test your learning and understanding as you go along. .The coursebooks are the only study guide reviewed and approved by CIM (The Chartered Institute of Marketing).
Marketing Essentials: Student activity workbook