
  • Marketing
    By Daniel Padgett, Andrew Loos


  • Marketing: An Introduction
    By Gary M. Armstrong, Philip Kotler

    For courses in Principles of Marketing at four year and two year colleges. This accessible, overview helps students master the basic principles and practices of modern marketing in an enjoyable and practical way.

  • Marketing: Principles and Practice with Business Dictionary

    This Valuepack consists of Marketing: Principles and Practice, 4/e by Adcock/Halbor/Ross (ISBN: 9780273646778) and the Penguin Dictionary of Business, 3/e (ISBN: 9780140513776 )

  • Marketing: An Introduction
    By Rosalind Masterson, David Pickton

    ... Penguin English Dictionary. Harmondsworth: Penguin. American Marketing Association (AMA) (2007) Community 'AMA definition of marketing', American Marketing Association. Available at: Pages/Additional/ ...

  • Marketing: An Introduction
    By Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler

    0133033112 / 9780133033113 Marketing: An Introduction plus NEW MyMarketingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package consists of: 0132744171 / 9780132744171 Marketing: An Introduction, Student Value Edition 0132749556 / 9780132749558 NEW ...

  • Marketing: An Introduction
    By Gary M. Armstrong

    Were you looking for the book with access to MyMarketingLab? This product is the book alone and does NOT come with access to MyMarketingLab.

  • Marketing
    By Miguel Lima

    Miguel Lima. oferecer aquele produto, garantindo que, da próxima vez que este consumidor for assaltado por uma necessidade, vá optar por aquele fornecedor para satisfazê-la. Hoje em dia, tempo e espaço se unem numa única dimensão ...

  • Marketing
    By Daniel Kamlot, Bernardo Guelber Fajardo

    ... dimensão, mais relacionada à filosofia, enfatiza a cultura organizacional e sua orientação e foco no mercado de atuação da empresa no longo prazo. Assim, há uma responsabilidade do marketing no sentido de elaborar uma estratégia em dois ...

  • Marketing
    By Miguel Santesmases Mestre

    Asimismo, se han incorporado temas y apartados que reflejan el impacto de Internet y las nuevas tecnologías de la información sobre la concepción y aplicación del marketing.

  • Marketing: Edicion para Latinoamerica
    By Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler

    ... SI EL MUNDO FUERA UNA ALDEA Pensemos un poco en el mundo y en nuestro lugar en él . Si redujéramos el mundo a una aldea de 1,000 personas representativas de la población mun- dial , ésta sería nuestra realidad : Nuestra aldea tendría ...

  • Marketing: An Introduction
    By William A. Stull, Roger W. Hutt

    Marketing: An Introduction

  • Marketing: Real People, Real Choices
    By Michael R. Solomon, Greg W. Marshall, Elnora W. Stuart

    This reader-friendly text conveys timely and relevant material in a dynamic presentation, highlighting how marketing concepts are implemented, and what they mean in the marketplace.

  • Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, Student Value Edition
    By Greg Marshall, Elnora Stuart, Michael Solomon

    NOTE This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.

  • Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, Fourth Canadian Edition,
    By Michael R. Solomon, Greg W. Marshall, Elnora W. Stuart

    This reader-friendly text conveys timely and relevant material in a dynamic presentation, highlighting how marketing concepts are implemented, and what they mean in the marketplace.

  • Marketing: Real People, Real Choices

    Marketing: Real People, Real Choices

  • Marketing: Real People, Real Choices (component Item)
    By Michael R. Solomon, Elnora W. Stuart

    Marketing: Real People, Real Choices (component Item)

  • Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, Global Edition
    By Michael R. Solomon, Greg W. Marshall, Elnora W. Stuart

    Timely, relevant, and dynamic, this reader-friendly text shows students how marketing concepts are implemented, and what they really mean in the marketplace.

  • Marketing: Principles and Practice: A Management-oriented Approach
    By Marc Oliver Opresnik, Svend Hollensen

    This book provides excellent coverage of these principles and serves as a great resource for marketing students and young professionals everywhere.

  • Marketing: The Basics
    By Karl Moore, Niketh Pareek

    This book: Explains the fundamentals of marketing and useful concepts such as the Long Tail Includes an international range of topical case studies, such as Obama’s presidential campaign, Facebook, and Google Also includes a glossary of ...

  • Marketing
    By Chris Ritchie

    True marketing successes go beyond your product and create customer relationships with the company itself. The key to acheiving this is to align your people, your processes and your company promises.