Master of Deception

  • Master of Deception: The Wartime Adventures of Peter Fleming
    By Alan Ogden

    ... E.G. Sperring Captain A.H.D. Williams Liaison officers with Army Formations Eastern Army (1943): Colonel 'Fookiform' Foulkes and Major Frankie Wilson HQ Fourteenth Army: Major John Warde-Aldham NCAC: Captain Jack Corbett (US).

  • Master of Deception
    By Jude Watson

    As Bail Organa strives to protect Alderaan and the Emperor seeks to tighten his grasp on the planet, double agent and Jedi Ferus Olin tries to uncover and protect the vital secret that Alderaan holds.

  • Master of Deception: Tangled Webs in London and the Middle East
    By David Mure

    I bogen beskrives den vildledningsvirksomhed, som under 2. verdenskrig udførtes af et hold specialister, incl. forfatteren, under ledelse af den nærmest legendariske brigadegeneral Dudley Clarke.

  • Master of Deception: The Wartime Adventures of Peter Fleming
    By Alan Ogden

    Framed through the life of Peter Fleming this book offers an in-depth study of British intelligence operations in the Far East during World War II.

  • Master of Deception: The Wartime Adventures of Peter Fleming
    By Alan Ogden

    The intricate design of STULTIFY deserves examination as a deception exercise in creativity and audacity. On 22 December 1944, Fleming circulated Plan KNOCKOUT. Its key components were FANG, a notional attack on north-west Sumatra; ...