Charles Handy (1978) maintains that the ideal team not only achieves formal goals (i.e. those of its organisation), but also achieves informal goals [such as Pilowski and Spence (1997) satisfying its members' psychosocial needs].
InTErOrgAnISATIOnAl. rElATIOnShIPS. Barringer and harrison (2000) classify the principal types of interorganisational relationships as shown in Box 5B.3.2. Box. 5B.3.2. Joint venture Two or more organisations pool a portion of their ...
inter-organisational. relationships. Barringer and Harrison [33] classify the principal types of inter organisational relationships as shown in Box 5B.2. Integrated. care. With a few notable exceptions, healthcare organisations rarely ...
The book covers the five key areas of public health knowledge: research methods; disease prevention and health promotion; health information; sociology, policy, and health economics; and organisation and management of health care.
MAPP, Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships; LSS, Lean Six Sigma; QFD, Quality Function Deployment. (Source: Duffy GL, Moran JW, Riley WJ. Quality Function Deployment and Lean Six Sigma Applications in Public Health.
Using this book will enable you to be more effective in many areas of your work, including: - Communicating with the public - Advocating for programs and policies - Speaking and writing - Being culturally competent - Planning, budgeting, ...