What sets this volume apart from other mathematics texts is its emphasis on mathematical tools commonly used by scientists and engineers to solve real-world problems.
Useful treatment of classical mechanics, electromagnetic theory, and relativity includes explanations of function theory, vectors, matrices, dyadics, tensors, partial differential equations, other advanced mathematical techniques.
The interconnections among the various topics are clarified both by the use of vector spaces as a central unifying theme, recurring throughout the book, and by putting ideas into their historical context.
Reader-friendly guide offers illustrative examples of the rules of physical science and how they were formulated.
This book presents the KAM (Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser) theory and asymptotic completeness in classical scattering.
This book, based on Geroch's University of Chicago course, will be especially helpful to those working in theoretical physics, including such areas as relativity, particle physics, and astrophysics.
This book is designed as an introduction to the mathematical concepts used to describe fundamental physics principles.
本书是为学习物理学的读者编写的数学基础教材,书中除了用较现代的方法处理经典的数学物理问题外,还引入了很多有较强物理应用意义的现代数学方法和思想,从涵盖的知识面来看 ...
An introduction to the important areas of mathematical physics, this volume starts with basic ideas and proceeds (sometimes rapidly) to a more sophisticated level, often to the context of current research.
Astrophys. 420, 881 (2004). . A. F. Zakharov, L. Popović, P. Jovanović, Contribution of Microlensing to X-ray Variability of Distant QSOs, in Proc. of IAU Symposium, vol. 225, "Gravitational Lensing Impact on Cosmology”, eds.
Astrophys. 420, 881 (2004). . A. F. Zakharov, L. Popović, P. Jovanović, Contribution of Microlensing to X-ray Variability of Distant QSOs, in Proc. of IAU Symposium, vol. 225, "Gravitational Lensing Impact on Cosmology”, eds.
本书是为学习物理学的读者编写的数学基础教材,书中除了用较现代的方法处理经典的数学物理问题外,还引入了很多有较强物理应用意义的现代数学方法和思想,从涵盖的知识面来看 ...
Mathematical Physics: Eighth International Congress