
  • Maths: Enrichment book
    By Ho Kheong Fong, Karen Hor-Duncombe

    Maths: Enrichment book

  • Maths: Enrichment book
    By Ho Kheong Fong, Karen Hor-Duncombe

    Maths: Enrichment book

  • Maths
    By David Baker

    The book contains 3 sets of AS papers, thereforesix papers in total. With rubric at the front, and space to write answers directly onto the page, this book provides realistic practice of the actual exam.

  • Maths
    By Val Mitchell, Howard Macmillan, Sally Moon

    Level: 11+ Subject: Maths This guide to 11+ success will help you to assess your current Maths skills, and target those that you need to practise and build, so that you can sit your 11+ selection tests with confidence.

  • Maths
    By Roger Merry


  • Maths
    By Simon Basher, Dan Green

    With its lively, creative approach, this is a unique and highly memorable one-stop guide to the building blocks of mathematics.

  • Maths: The Basic Skills
    By June Haighton, Bridget Phillips, Debbie Holder

    Some timers use a 24 hour analogue clock , e.g. automatic central heating and light switches . ... ει ην 3 When will the lights go on and off with these automatic timers ? a ) b ) 3 2 1 1 10 4 7 6 6 5 13 12 11 un 24 23 22 27 A 3 2 8 .

  • Maths: déclic 2de
    By Jean-Paul Beltramone, Jean Labrosse, Franck Giton

    Un manuel concu pour accompagner l'eleve vers l'autonomie Une approche accessible et concrete: Un reperage facile des exercices organises en 3 grandes rubriques et classes par niveau de difficultes, par notion et par competence.

  • Maths: A-level Study Guide
    By David Hodgson, Ben Yudkin, Claire Bigg

    This reinforces the concept that it is more beneficial to study little and often with each session containing a clear focus Self-assessment features on every page - including 'Check point' which asks questions on material just covered, and ...

  • Maths
    By Colin Rouse

    Each example and exercise is accompanied by clear instructions which can be heard over and over again by clicking the ... students to explore multiple patterns on grids of different sizes . o Picturepoint ( Longman Logotron ) – PC This ...

  • Maths
    By Pauline Rogers

    The book is designed to aid teachers' planning and implementation of the curriculum each step of the way.

  • Maths: MPSI
    By Walter Damin

    Le présent ouvrage est constitué d'un ensemble de 39 problèmes de Mathématiques, couvrant ainsi la totalité du programme de la classe de MPSI. L'ordre adopté est l'ordre majoritairement suivi par...

  • Maths
    By HarperCollins UK

    Children can use this book at home for SATS revision, and to build on topics covered in the classroom.

  • Maths: Pupil's book
    By Ho Kheong Fong, Chelvi Ramakrishnan, Kee Soon Gan

    Maths: Pupil's book

  • Maths: A-level Study Guide
    By Ben Yudkin, Claire Bigg

    Revision Express A-level Study Guides - covering AS and A2 material in one book.

  • Maths
    By David Clemson, Wendy Clemson

    A book containing 107 photocopy masters, organized in accordance with the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 maths. The copymasters reinforce and extend activities in the corresponding teacher's resource book.

  • Maths: Key stage 1
    By David Clemson, Wendy Clemson

    Maths: Key stage 1

  • Maths: ages 5-8
    By Peter Maher

    "This fun and practical resource is packed with motivational games to develop mathematical skills and concepts in Number, Measurement, Space, Chance and Working Mathematically.Games on the Go: Maths provides: great games that encourage a ...

  • Maths: Complete coursebook. Age 11-14
    By Fiona C. Mapp

    Maths: Complete coursebook. Age 11-14

  • Maths: Age 10-11
    By Godfrey Robert McDuell, Peter Giliker

    To keep up with changes in National Curriculum testing, new editions of Key Stage 2 National Tests in English, Maths and Science are available in May 2000 in preparation for the tests in May 2001.