McNae's Essential Law for Journalists

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Mike Dodd, Mark Hanna

    Book list Chapter 1, Introduction Free Speech, Eric Barendt (Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2007) Media Law and Human Rights, Andrew Nicol, Gavin Millar and Andrew Sharland (Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2009) Chapter 2, ...

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By David Banks, Tom Welsh, Walter Greenwood

    On appeal to the Lords, Lord Bingham stressed the high public interest in publishing the story. ... The reporter who wrote the story told the jury about his attempts to obtain a response from the Jameel group of companies about his ...

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Mike Dodd, Mark Hanna

    ... also be available from the Land Registry (Green Corns Ltd v Claverley Group Ltd [2005] EMLR 31). What is the position with 'widely published' photographs? The Court of Appeal in the Douglas case said: the Douglas case is outlined in ...

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Mike Dodd

    The definitive media law guide for journalists and students alike.

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Mike Dodd, Mark Hanna

    This is a practical guide for journalists and other writers whose job takes them into contact with the law. This edition takes account of recent and forthcoming changes in the law as they affect journalists.

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Mike Dodd, Mark Hanna

    Precise and lucid in its treatment of practical detail, McNae's Essential Law for Journalists is the unrivalled handbook for students of journalism and professionals.

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Mike Dodd, Mark Hanna

    Sixty years since the first edition published, McNae's Essential Law for Journalists remains the definitive media law handbook for students and journalists. Endorsed by the National Council for the Training...

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Sian Harrison

    Chapter summary The law of Scotland affects journalism in different ways from that in England and Wales. This chapter outlines the Scottish legal system, and shows how reporting restrictions affect coverage of criminal proceedings, ...

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Leonard Cyril James McNae, Tom Welsh, Walter Greenwood

    McNae's Essential Law for Journalists

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Mike Dodd, Mark Hanna

    McNae's Essential Law for Journalists

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Tom Welsh, Walter Greenwood

    McNae's Essential Law for Journalists , now in its 17th edition, is the definitive guide to developments in the law as they affect journalists.

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Leonard Cyril James McNae, Tom Welsh, Walter Greenwood

    This is a practical guide for writers and other journalists whose job takes them into contact with the law. This edition takes account of statutory changes including the Human Rights Bill and the Data Protection Bill.

  • McNae's Essential Law for Journalists
    By Leonard Cyril James McNae, Tom Welsh

    McNae's Essential Law for Journalists