This book is designed specifically to answer those questions & shed light on the skills & issues that need to be understood to make mediation work.
Although, some of the contents of the book is now obsolete or changed, it still contains worthy and important information for the needs of professional mediators. Consider this book a "collectors item."
This book offers the most comprehensive comparative analysis available of mediation, introducing the law and practical experience of mediation in 22 jurisdictions and analysing how mediation should be regulated at a national and ...
The aim of this book is to promote the understanding and discussion of regulatory issues by presenting comparative research on mediation. It describes and analyses the law and practice of mediation in twenty-two countries.
This book will cover: Models and principles from various domains of mediation: family, business & labor, public affairs, international relations A mediation framework to prepare for mediation and to run its process smoothly A step-by-step ...
This book will cover: Models and principles from various domains of mediation: family, business & labor, public affairs, international relations A mediation framework to prepare for mediation and to run its process smoothly A step-by-step ...
Over 500 entries provide curated information on practical mediation topics guiding you through the thicket of mediation jargon.Mediation: An A-Z Guide ensures you have no need to feel nervous about mediation because you: will understand ...
Recognising that mediation is not only an 'art' but also a process that can be "understood, analysed, learned, practiced and improved", the authors have developed this work to assist practitioners and students of mediation to develop the ...
Apple, James G./ Deyling, Robert P.: A Primer on the Civil-Law System (Federal Judicial Center 1995) available at ... Barry, Chris/Arad, Ronen/Ansell, Landan/Cartier, Meredith/ Lee, Hyeyun; 2016 Patent Litigation Study – Are We at an ...
How to avoid litigation by mediation - Don't litigate - Mediate.
It can be adapted to any number of training approaches. This volume is guided by a clear set of theoretical principles that provide an ideal for mediation in our society.
Mediation: Contexts and Challenges
This handbook gives legal practitioners, students and new mediators practical guidance on the mediation process.
Mediation: 18. Tagung in Luxemburg vom 14.-16. Mai 1998
Mediation: A Path Back for the Lost Lawyer
Zudem: Informationen über Anwendungsfelder, Tätigkeiten, Voraussetzungen, Beschäftigungsaussichten und Berufsanerkennung in Mediation.
This exciting new coursebook is designed to teach students how to represent clients effectively in resolving disputes through mediation. Written by the authors of a successful comprehensive casebook on dispute...
Kovach's Mediation: Principles and Practice, Third Edition provides a comprehensive and thorough examination of the mediation process. This text surveys both the evolving theory and law which guide the contemporary use of mediation.
This account of the principles, process and practice of mediation in Australia is aimed at students and practitioners involved in dispute resolution.
This account of the principles, process and practice of mediation in Australia is aimed at students and practitioners involved in dispute resolution. Discusses the underlying theories and different models of...