1467–1520) of obscure, illegitimate birth—a matter that caused him certain difficulties—Padilla was very active in his ... J ULIO RODRI ́GUEZ-PUE ́RTOLAS Bibliography Norti Gualdani, E. Los doce triunfos de los doce apo ́stoles.
Nearly one quarter of this edition is new, including visual materials and increased coverage of Jewish and Muslim affairs, as well as more sources pertaining to women, social and economic history, and domestic life.
Reflexiones críticas sobre el origen del Reino de Asturias. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2001. Nieto Alcaide, Víctor Manuel. Arte prerrománico asturiano. Salinas: Ayalga, 1989. O'Callaghan, Joseph F. Reconquest and Crusade in ...
RHETORIC , ARABIC Correa . Ed . C. B. Faulhaber , et al . Potomac , Md . , 1986 , 92-126 . Kelly , D. The Arts of Poetry and Prose . Typologie des Sources du Moyen Age Occidental , fasc . 59. Turnhout , 1991 . Murphy , J. J. Rhetoric in ...
As the first comprehensive reference to the vital world of medieval Spain, this unique volume focuses on the Iberian kingdoms from the fall of the Roman Empire to the aftermath of the Reconquista.
The documents collected here date mostly from the eighth through the fifteenth centuries and have been translated from Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, Castilian, Catalan, and Portuguese by many of the...
First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
If the old aphorism is to be believed, «Spain begins at the Pyrenees». This European and Spanish proclamation of difference or uniqueness is born out, in a sense, but also...