Cognitive styles Riding and Rayner (1998) considered that learning styles, which they called cognitive styles, could be considered as falling within two dimensions. These two dimensions are wholist-analytic, depending on whether the ...
London: David Fulton Publishers. Eyre, D. and Fitzpatrick, M. (2000) Able children with additional special needs, in Benton and O'Brien (eds) Special Needs and the Beginning Teacher. London: Continuum. Freeman, J. (2005) National ...
This book is an essential resource for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, leading teachers for G&T Education (gifted and talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.
Jennifer Piggott is a lecturer in mathematics enrichment and communication technology at Cambridge University. ... Jennifer is an experienced mathematics and ICT teacher. ... x Meeting the Needs of Your MostAble Pupils: HISTORY.
O t h e r t i t l e s i n t h e s e r i e s MeetingtheNeeds of Your Most Able Pupils: Art Kim Earle 1 84312 331 2 978 1 84312 331 6 Meeting theNeeds of YourMost AblePupils: Design and Technology Louise T. Davies 1 84312 3304 978 1 84312 ...
Featuring comprehensive appendices and online resources, this book provides specific guidance on a range of aspects, including planning, differentiation and extension/enrichment in history, and teacher questioning skills.
Lynne McClure is an independent consultant in the field of mathematics education and G&T. She works with teachers and students in schools all over the UK and ... xii Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES.
All those considered to be very good have spent time developing a sound working approach that meets the needs of their most able pupils. The department creates a positive atmosphere by its organisation, display and the way that students ...
All those considered to be very good have spent time developing a sound working approach that meets the needs of their most able pupils. The department creates a positive atmosphere by its organisation, display and the way that students ...
This book is essential for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, leading teachers for G&T Education (Gifted and Talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.
Including access to online materials this book is essential reading for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, Gifted and Talented co ordinators, SENCos and LA advisers.
Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: English provides specific guidance on: Recognising high ability and multiple intelligences Planning, differentiation and extension/enrichment in English Teacher questioning skills Support for more ...
This book is an essential resource for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, leading teachers for G&T Education (gifted and talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.
This book is an essential resource for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, Leading Teachers for G&T Education (Gifted and Talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.
Provision for more able pupils remains high on the Government's agenda and is a key element of school development. Each book in this series offers guidance and advice.
The book features comprehensive appendices and an accompanying CD with: Useful contacts and resources Lesson and homework ideas Audit and record keeping frameworks For secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, Leading Teachers for G ...
This book is an essential resource for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, leading teachers for G&T Education (gifted and talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.