Paul, R. (1992). Critical thinking: What, why, and how. New Directions for Community Colleges, 1992(77), 3–24. h ps:// Renzulli, J. S. (1997). Interest-a-lyzer family of instruments: A manual for teachers.
A special focus is given to using the Gifted Education Programming Standards and Common Core State Standards. The fourth edition provides updated information on funding sources and public relations strategies for gifted education programs.
Using the national gifted education standards for PreK—12 professional development. ousand. Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. e. authors show how the tea er preparation standards might be used by pre-K to grade 12 practitioners in assessing ...
This new edition expands upon the best-selling first edition with new chapters and fully updated information and research. The chapters of this comprehensive textbook are written by respected leaders in the field of gifted education.
This text is a complete resource curated for a wide range of K-12 educators and those working with inservice and preservice educators and administrators"--
... education for gifted learners . Prufrock Press published her books , Advocacy for the Gifted ( 2008 ) and The Challenge of Educating the Gifted in Rural Areas ( 2009 ) , as part of its Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education ...