
  • Metropolis
    By Michael E. Bragg, Jon M. Bragg

    A selection of photographs from the collection of the Massac County Historical Society that chronicle the history of the city of Metropolis, Illinois.

  • Metropolis: From the Division of Labor to Urban Form
    By Scott, Allen Scott, Allen John Scott

    "Scott has something different to say--a new and innovative perspective on the modern city. . . . This is a fine book, and . . . a major contribution to our understanding of the modern metropolis.

  • Metropolis: A Novel
    By Elizabeth Gaffney

    He spent a dollar on a good knife and began picking up scraps of wood wherever he found them. Every week or so, he produced another figurine, sometimes boats or bears or other toys for the O'Gamhna boys, sometimes gargoyles that were ...

  • Metropolis
    By Li Sun

    Xu Ke clasped Liu Ruochen ' s hand . " Visit Yuanchao for me , as often as you can . . . . " Liu Ruochen nodded . Xu Ke ' s car drove away . The three men looked at each other wordlessly , wrapped in their own thoughts .

  • Metropolis
    By Ronnie Jeffires


  • Metropolis
    By Benoit Tardif

    A stunning visual journey around 32 of the world's greatest cities.

  • Metropolis: Center and Symbol of Our Times
    By Philip Kasinitz

    In an urban Society

  • Metropolis
    By Thea von Harbou

    This Weimar-era novel of a futuristic society, written by the screenwriter for the iconic 1927 film, was hailed by noted science-fiction authority Forrest J. Ackerman as "a work of genius."

  • Metropolis
    By Forrest J. Ackerman, Thea von Harbou, Fritz Lang

    Thea von Harbou's classic was the basis for the screenplay for Fritz Lang's groundbreaking 1926 science fiction epic of the same name. This edition of the novel is "stillustrated" with scenes from the film.

  • Metropolis: Storia della città, la più grande invenzione della specie umana
    By Ben Wilson

    21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Teju Cole, Ogni giorno è per il ladro, Einaudi, Torino 2014, p. 47. S. Frederick Starr, L'illuminismo perduto: l'età dell'oro dell'Asia centrale dalla conquista araba a Tamerlano, Einaudi, Torino 2017, pp. 161 sgg.

  • Metropolis: A History of the City, Humankind's Greatest Invention
    By Ben Wilson

    . . . Reading this book is like visiting an exhilarating city for the first time—dazzling.” —The Wall Street Journal During the two hundred millennia of humanity’s existence, nothing has shaped us more profoundly than the city.

  • Metropolis

    comment sa confrontation avec cette ville se traduit , par l'intermédiaire du traitement intertextuel d'autres textes ... il faut connaître les animaux , il faut sentir comment volent les oiseaux et savoir quel mouvement font les ...

  • Metropolis: A Novel
    By B. A. Shapiro

    This masterful novel of psychological suspense from the New York Times bestselling author of The Art Forger follows a cast of unforgettable characters whose lives intersect when a harrowing accident occurs at the Metropolis Storage ...

  • Metropolis
    By Thomas Elsaesser

    In his foreword to this special edition, published to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the BFI Film Classics series, Elsaesser discusses the impact of the 27 minutes of 'lost' footage discovered in Buenos Aires in 2008, and incorporated in ...

  • Metropolis
    By Thea von Harbou

    A divided twenty-first-century city sets the stage for this novel of a future dystopia. While the wealthy live in a decadent playground of sex and drugs, workers toil underground operating the machines that keep the city running.

  • Metropolis
    By Philip Kerr

    It's almost as if he is taunting the cops. Meanwhile, the press is having a field day. This is what Bernie Gunther finds on his first day with the Murder Commisson.

  • Metropolis
    By Thea von Harbou

    " Thea von Harbou, creator of the screenplay for Fritz Lang's iconic 1927 film, wrote this novel to expand upon the movie's ideas and concepts.

  • Metrópolis
    By Thea von Harbou, Mateus Acioli, Pete Risatti

    + Com tradução direta do alemão, é a primeira vez que Metrópolis será publicado no país. + Escrita pela alemã Thea Von Harbou, a obra inspirou o filme homônimo de...

  • Metropolis: A Novel
    By B. A. Shapiro

    Taut and emotional, Metropolis is impossible to put down and impossible to forget.

  • Metropolis
    By Thomas Elsaesser

    This volume explores the cultural phenomenon of Metropolis, its different versions, its changing meanings, and its role as a database of the twentieth century.