Explains the scientific method and suggests projects and experiments about microbes suitable for a science fair.
... 83 Ross, Sir Ronald, 53 rotavirus, 155, 206, 220 Rothman, Dan, 238 rubella (MMR vaccine), 220, 227 Rush, Benjamin, 76 Russell, Bertrand, 138 Sadowsky, Michael, 200 Sagan, Carl, 233,247 Sans Frontières, Médecins, 90 Sapiens (Harari), ...
This collection of essays discusses fascinating aspects of the concept that microbes are at the root of all ecosystems.
In Microbes: Discover an Unseen World, readers journey through microscopic worlds that collide with our own on a daily basis to encounter bacteria, viruses, fungi, protists, and archaea.
The most complete treatment of microbial biology available, Microbes features eye-opening chapters on: Human and Microbial World Gene Technology: Application and Techniques Molecular Diagnostic and Medical Microbiology Identification and ...
Microbes: Discover an Unseen World