
  • Microcirculation
    By Ronald F. Tuma, Walter N. Duran, Klaus Ley

    Local. Regulation. of. Microvascular. 1Department of Medical Pharmacology & Physiology and Dalton DCRC, University of Missouri ... The subject of this chapter is local control of microvascular perfusion, which has been described as “the ...

  • Microcirculation: Blood-Vessel Interactions Systems in Special Tissues 1
    By John Grayson

    The recogmuon recogmtIon of the microcirculation as an ideal interdisciplinary meeting place for the life sciences is really a postwar phenomenon.

  • Microcirculation: Current Physiologic, Medical, and Surgical Concepts
    By Richard Effros

    The book gives an overview of the concepts regarding the structure and properties of small vessels, a topic mostly read only in specialized journals. The primary focus of the text is on the function and dysfunction of small blood vessels.

  • Microcirculation: From Bench to Bedside
    By Maria Dorobantu, Lina Badimon

    This comprehensive reference book of coronary microcirculation broadly covers theoretical aspects, clinical cases and therapeutic considerations from an innovative perspective.

  • Microcirculation
    By Ronald F. Tuma, Walter N. Duran, Klaus Ley

    Growth in knowledge about the microcirculation has been explosive with the field becoming fragmented into numerous subdisciplines and subspecialties. This volume pulls all of the critical information into one volume.