
  • Microeconomics: Canadian Edition
    By Robin Wells, Paul Krugman, Iris Au

    Iris Au and Jack Parkinson of the University of Toronto, Scarborough have "Canadianized" the Microeconomics section of Krugman/Wells, Economics, Third Edition, maintaining the structure and spirit of the U.S. version but adapting it to ...

  • Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction
    By William A. McEachern

    This textbook draws upon common student experiences to introduce economic concepts. Case studies and numerous examples take advantage of students' intuitive knowledge of economics.

  • Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus
    By Jeffrey M. Perloff

    Exploring Microeconomics: Formal Theory and Practical Problems Significantly revised and updated with new real-world examples, exercises, and applications, this Fourth Edition of Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus remains ...

  • Microeconomics: Theory and Applications
    By Dominick Salvatore

    Fully revised and expanded, this fifth edition of Microeconomics: Theory and Applications presents all the standard topics of traditional microeconomic theory while offering a modern approach that reflects the many exciting recent ...

  • Microeconomics
    By T. R. JAIN


    By Chauhan, S. P. S.

    Enriching contents of the book in the Second Edition, the author proffers a thoroughly revised and updated text with main focus on Game Theory, Linear Programming and Output–Input Analysis.

  • Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction
    By William A. McEachern, Michael J. Swann

    The familiar features of the 2nd edition also remain, including text-linked learning objectives, full-colour graphics, margin definitions, chapter summaries, review questions and problem sets.

  • Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction ; Custom Edition for Providence College
    By William A. McEachern

    Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction ; Custom Edition for Providence College

  • Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction
    By McEachern

    A fully integrated program of technology enhancements sets this text apart by pairing the book with numerous online multimedia learning tools that have been developed to help the text better serve a wide range of learning styles.

  • Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction
    By William A. McEachern

    Easy access to describe: (ex: key learning objectives for each chapter, outlines of key sections, self-test questions, and sets of problems similar to those in the text and the Test Bank, bu

  • Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction Text + Study Guide + Macroeconomics
    By Michael Swann

    Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction Text + Study Guide + Macroeconomics

  • MICROECONOMICS: Theory and Applications

    This book presents a scientific and systematic development of the underlying concepts of microeconomics, with due emphasis on analytical and mathematical treatment of the discipline, so that the students develop skills to apply these ...

  • Microeconomics: Theory And Applications
    By S.P.S Chauhan

    Microeconomics: Theory And Applications

  • Microeconomics: Theory and Applications, 3rd Edition
    By Dwivedi D.N.

    Key Features • Coverage of all topics taught in Indian universities and business schools • Complex theories are explained with self-explanatory diagrams • Plenty of numerical problems • Questions from various universitiy question ...

  • Microeconomics
    By Dominick Salvatore


  • Microeconomics: Theory And Applications
    By Maddala

    Microeconomics: Theory And Applications

  • Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus, Global Edition
    By Jeffrey M. Perloff

    Exploring Microeconomics: Formal Theory and Practical Problems Significantly revised and updated with new real-world examples, exercises, and applications, this Fourth Edition of Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus remains ...

  • Microeconomics: Theory & Applications
    By Mark A. Zupan, Edgar K. Browning

    The 10 th edition of Browning and Zupan′s Microeconomics: Theory and Applications continues to motivate students and introduce them to current thinking in the field.

  • Microeconomics: Theory and Applications
    By G. S. Maddala, Ellen M. Miller

    "Microeconomics" provides a contemporary, comprehensive and clear coverage of intermediate microeconomics within a European context. The text aims to ensure effective understanding of the essential principles and is as a...

  • Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus
    By Jeffrey M. Perloff

    This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For all...