Perform the following steps to insert a manual page break after the body of the research paper . ... Ctrl + K extra blank line removed Word removes the extra blank line above the paragraph mark ( Figure 3-55 ) . Recall that you inserted ...
For the latest word processing application and a component of Office 97, this book's new features include an Office Assistant, Web toolbar and drawing tools.
Getting started with Windows 95 - Using the mouse - Starting a program - Using menus and toolbars - Dialog boxes - Scroll bars - Closing a program - Managing files, folders and shortcuts - Formatting a disk - Creating a paiint file - ...
Part of the Illustrated Series, this text offers a quick, visual way to build Microsoft Word 97 skills. Covers beginning through intermediate skills.
Microsoft Word 97
Microsoft Word 97
Microsoft Word 97: Illustrated Brief Edition
The book features a trademarked, two-page spread where each skill is presented on facing pages with instructions on the left and oversized screen shots on the right. Sample files are contained on the disk.