
  • Midwifery: Preparation for Practice
    By Jan Pincombe, Carol Thorogood, Sally K. Tracy

    British Medical Journal 317:125–128 Duggan JM 1997 The Australian healthcare system: John Hunter's long shadow. Medical Journal of Australia 167(9):481–483 Eisenberg L 2001 Good technical outcome, poor service experience: a verdict on ...

  • Midwifery: Best Practice
    By Sara Wickham

    Colson S (1985). 'Reflexions et propos sur les rencontres du vendredi soir'. In: Association des Usagers de la Maternite de Pithiviers (ed.) Histoires de Naissance, Paris: EPI pp. 30–33. Colson S (2000). 'Biological suckling facilitates ...

  • Midwifery: Preparation for Practice
    By Jan Pincombe, Carol Thorogood, Sally K. Tracy

    Similar findings have been demonstrated in smaller studies in Australia and New Zealand (Crotty et al 1990; Gulbransen et al 1997; Woodcock et al 1990). Poor outcomes have, however, been associated with home birth for women with ...

  • Midwifery: Preparation for practice
    By Sally K. Tracy, Sally Pairman, Hannah Dahlen

    The Aboriginal health statistics still show an unacceptable discrepancy in life expectancy and in maternal and ... Little Children Are Sacred: Report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry Into the Protection of Aboriginal Children ...

  • Midwifery: The Basics
    By Helen Baston

    This is an essential introduction for students at undergraduate and A-Level who are approaching midwifery for the first time.

  • Midwifery: Community-based Care During the Childbearing Year
    By Linda V. Walsh

    This new comprehensive text recognizes the role of the midwife or clinician practicing using a midwifery model of care as a primary provider for healthy pregnant women. The woman is...

  • Midwifery: Best Practice
    By Sara Wickham

    Midwifery: Best Practice

  • Midwifery: Preparation for Practice
    By Jan Pincombe, Carol Thorogood, Sally K. Tracy

    Midwifery: Preparation for Practice is the first text of its kind in Australia and New Zealand and places the woman and midwife at the centre of midwifery care. The approach...

  • Midwifery: Preparation for Practice
    By Sally K. Tracy, Sally Pairman, Hannah Dahlen

    Endorsed by the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) and the New Zealand College of Midwives (NZCOM), Midwifery: Preparation for Practice has long been upheld as the definitive midwifery text for Australian and New Zealand midwifery ...

  • Midwifery
    By P. McCall Sellers

    London . BEISCHER , N. A. , MACKAY , E. V. 1986. Obstetrics and The Newborn . Second British Ed . Baillière Tindall . London . BENSON , R. 1983. Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology . 8th Ed . Langa Medical Publications . Los Altos .