We are sending copies of this report to Senator Wayne Allard, Chairman, and Senator Max Cleland, Ranking Minority Member, ... If you have any questions about this report, please contact Brenda S. Farrell or me at (202) 512-5140.
This book provides an overview of select policies and developments with regard to military personnel including: reserve component personnel issues; military pay and benefits; military retirement reform; military justice and court-martial ...
The number of reservists deployed increased through fiscal year 2003 and remained stable through fiscal year 2005. The majority of reservists have been deployed once.
Military Personnel: Top Management Attention Is Needed to Address Long-Standing Problems with Determining Medical and Physical Fitness of the Reserve...
To address these objectives, GAO analyzed budget data and relevant legislation and also interviewed appropriate officials. GAO focused this review on part-time reservists and full-time, active guard and reserve.
They audit, investigate, perform analyses, issue legal decisions and report anything that the government is doing. This is one of their reports.
mobilized or deployed in support of the global war on terrorism , and the DOD guidance required that personnel tempo data reporting be timely , accurate , and complete . Despite this guidance , DOD officials expressed a low level of ...
Military Personnel: Actions Needed to Strengthen Management of Imminent Danger Pay & Combat Zone Tax Relief Benefits
Illus. Also includes a 6-page GAO report, "Military Personnel Strengths in the Army National Guard."
The financial conditions of servicemembers (SM) & their families are of great concern.
Tables and figures. This is a print on demand report.
Nearly two-thirds of active duty respondents at Aviano said that they needed morale calls, and more than 50 percent said that they needed email communication. At Hanscom Air Force Base, 50 percent of active duty respondents said that ...
... Infrastructure : Long - term Challenges in Managing the Military Construction Program . GAO - 04-288 . Washington , D.C .: February 24 , 2004 . Military ... Defense : Preliminary Observations on How Page 91 GAO - 04-1031 Military Personnel.
Illus. This is a print on demand report.
For ongoing operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, military medical personnel are among the first to arrive and the last to leave.
Jane Austen's Emma, transported to the outlandish social whirl of 21st-century Lahore . . . ‘... she can make you laugh out loud even while she delivers hard-hitting critiques of Lahore high society and the state of Pakistani politics.’ ...