The appointment led to a re-acquaintance with Harry Sutton who was by then the vicar there. ... formerly opened in 1982 and based in St Peter's Vere Street which was tastefully remodelled to include a library and dining room upstairs, ...
This book, stimulated by Andrew Kirk's mission theology, explores current reflections on a wide range of issues including: poverty and injustice, environmentalism, secularism, the place of scripture in a pluralist culture, science and faith ...
Stimulated by Andrew Kirk's mission theology, this book brings fresh theological reflection to a wide range of mission issues.
Mission in Context: Transformation, Reconciliation, Empowerment : an LWF Contribution to the Understanding and Practice of Mission
Many principles and practical information from this book grew out of the authors' experiences and the reflection of Missiologists and scholars such as Andrew Walls, Christopher Wright, Kazoh Kitamori, Paul Hiebert, etc.