Amartya Sen, Mahbub al-Haq, Martha Nussbaum, and others argued that human well-being is less about aggregate economic growth and more about whether individuals and families have access to adequate food, health, education, ...
This book is centered on Egypt's relatively early development as a nation and as a state and is written in language readily understandable to students or adult readers without prior...
This edition presents a concise survey of Egyptian history since the mid-eighteenth century. It focuses on Egypt's evolution as a nation-state, dispelling common misconceptions about Egypt's modern history.
This second edition of scholar Arthur Goldschmidt presents a concise survey of Egyptian history since the mid-eighteenth century. It focuses on Egypt's evolution as a nation-state, dispelling common misconceptions about...
The book begins with the 2011-2012 uprising that captured the world's attention before turning to an overview of modern Egyptian history. The book then focuses on present-day Egyptian politics, society, demography, culture, and religion.
Published in 1910, this classic of imperialist writing by the former Consul General explains and justifies British involvement in Egypt.
This second edition of scholar Arthur Goldschmidt presents a concise survey of Egyptian history since the mid-eighteenth century.