Moses Maimonides

  • Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works
    By Herbert A. Davidson, Professor of Hebrew Emeritus Herbert Davidson

    Lieberman, Hilkhoth ha-Yerushalmi of Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (New York 1947); supplemented by S. Hopkins, “A New Autograph Fragment of Maimonides' Hilkhot haYerushalmi,” Journal of Semitic Studies 28 (1983) 283–96.

  • Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works
    By Herbert Davidson

    Regarding the ratio of 3:1 for the circumference of a circle, see Mishna cErubim 1:5; Oholot 12:6; FT cErubim 1:5; BT Sukka 7b; and the medieval commentaries of Rashi, Tosafot, R. Asher b. Jeḥiel, and Riṭba on the Sukka passage, ...

  • Moses Maimonides
    By Oliver Leaman

    Moses Maimonides (1135--1204) is recognized both as a leading Jewish thinker and as one of the most radical philosophers of the Islamic world.

  • Moses Maimonides: Rabbi, Philosopher, and Physician
    By Rebecca B. Marcus

    A biography of the Spanish-born Jewish philosopher, rabbi, and physician of the Middle Ages who spent a good deal of his life in Egypt and whose works influenced the thinking...

  • Moses Maimonides: Communal Impact, Historic Legacy. Proceedings of an International Symposium, November 16, 2003
    By Benny Kraut

    Moses Maimonides: Communal Impact, Historic Legacy. Proceedings of an International Symposium, November 16, 2003

  • Moses Maimonides: Physician, Scientist, and Philosopher
    By Fred Rosner, Samuel S. Kottek

    A collection of papers by twenty-one of the leading Maimonides scholars throughout the world.

  • Moses Maimonides
    By Oliver Leaman

    ( 1978 ) ' The purpose of the law according to Maimonides ' , Jewish Quarterly Review 69 : 27-51 . ... Lerner , R. ( 1983 ) ' Maimonides ' " Treatise on Resurrection ” ' , History of Religions 23 : 140–55 .