Tiffin, J., & Rogers, H.B. (1943). The selection and training of inspectors. ... In R. Shaw & J. Bransford (Eds.), Perceiving, acting, and knowing (pp. 211–265). ... Urbin, M.A., Stodden, D., Boros, R., & Shannon, D. (2012).
Please note: This text was replaced with a sixth edition. This version is available only for courses using the fifth edition and will be discontinued at the end of the semester.
Lavery's Experiment on Summary Feedback o Summary Immediate Both 5 6 7 Days ( 20 trials / day ) Figure 10.10 Percentage correct trials for various conditions of feedback during practice and for no - feedback retention tests .
Motor Learning and Performance: From Principles to Application
Motor Learning and Performance, Sixth Edition, constructs a conceptual model of factors that influence motor performance, outlines how motor skills are acquired and retained with practice, and shows how to apply those concepts to a variety ...
Dublin-born Thomas Southerne has long been admired by scholars as one of the most important dramatists of the Restoration, but the lack of a modern edition has prevented his plays...
Constructing an easy-to-understand conceptual model of motor performance along the way, this text outlines the principles of motor skill learning, building a strong understanding of how skills are acquired and perfected with practice and ...
Motor Learning and Performance