A United States general describes his command of the deployment of U.S. troops and supplies to the Persian Gulf in the war with Iraq and recommends his methods of leadership and resource management for use in the business world.
Edward Porter Alexander and his ill-fated bombardment of the Union positions. Well known is his plea to Longstreet to launch the doomed assault because his ammunition supplies are depleted. What is less well known is that Alexander ...
North, E. Lee. The 55 West Virginias: A Guide to the State's Counties. 2nd rev. ed. Morgantown: West Virginia Univ. Press, 1998. Nyden, Paul. “Oil Heir Buying W.Va. by the Ton.” Charleston Gazette, February 4, 2007.
Award-winning investigative journalist Penny Loeb spent nine years following the twists and turns of this remarkable story, giving voice both to citizens, like Patricia Bragg, and to those in the coal industry.
This book introduces us to Reinhold Messner, the first person to reach the summit of Everest solo and without supplemental oxygen.
It may sound too good to be true, but this is your invitation to engage in the kind of prayers that can move God's heart as well as the mountains before you. Moving Mountains is also available in Spanish, Mueve montañas.
The message of a book like this is just what we need to get us back on course."-Warren W. Wiersbe, author and conference speaker "Paul King has called a meeting of wise, devoted servants, leaving one empty chair in the circle for you.
Erin "Reading this book helped me to no longer fear the divorce my husband filed, but get excited by what God would do. As Michele stated would happen if we embraced it, he immediately dropped the divorce.
Wilde explains how his dream to climb the seven continental summits transformed into the quest to bring clean drinking water to those in need in the Northern Province of Uganda.
From a beginning engulfed in poverty to the boardroom of General Motors Corporation, Leon Sullivan founded the Opportunities Industrialization Centers (OIC's), creating jobs for over a million people. These are...
Nick is an inspirational speaker and says, “Motivation gets you through the day, but inspiration lasts a lifetime (Vujicic).” There are countless people who have proven that by shifting their focus from what they don't want, ...
G. Crough , Aboriginal People in the Economy of Northern Australia , Northern Territory University Press , Darwin 1983 ... Trigger , Whitefella Comin ' : Aboriginal Responses to Colonialism in Northern Australia , Cambridge University ...
Turbulent Times and Enduring Peoples: The Mountain Minorities of the South-East Asian Massif. London: Curzon Press. –. 2006. Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the SoutheastAsian Massifi Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
FROM POPULAR AUTHOR OF LGBTQIA ROMANCE S.J. COLES A Secret Santa story Jacob would move mountains to spend Christmas with someone special.
Moving Mountains will guide and inspire you to clarify where you want to go and how to get moving, reconnect to what brings you joy and gives you energy, bounce back from setbacks, boost your courage and confidence, explore and discover ...
... Charlie's place.) (CHARLIE, meanwhile, has found the quarter POLLY left by his phone. Is puzzled by it. Pockets it as ROBERT knocks on glass door.) ROBERT. Hello. CHARLIE. Hello. ROBERT. My mother's moving into the complex. I wonder if ...
Examines how mountain dwellers "of seven different communities--from the Himalayas to the Rockies--"deal with "threats to their way of life and livelihood."
In this work, Anne-Christine D'Adesky, an award-winning reporter, offers a global analysis of AIDS treatment and prevention, in countries from South Africa to China.
Moving Mountains: A Story of Marriage, Faith, and Beating a Contagion By: Sarah F. Cook Moving Mountains is the story of a man who contracted polio in 1954, just before the Salk and Sabin vaccines became widely available.
Each page of this lovely journal offers challenge and devotional inspiration for your soul, while related scripture selections provide opportunities to reflect on the truth of God's unchanging Word.