Second, Denison University's adoption of a single course “diversity requirement” is used to illustrate the motivations and tensions involved in creating and requiring courses that address discrimination and oppression in the United ...
Mathematics Education in Secondary Schools and Two - Year Colleges : A Source Book by Louise S. Grinstein and Paul J. Campbell 16. Black Children and American Institutions : An Ecological Review and Resource Guide by Valora Washington ...
Montgomery, AL: Southern Poverty Law Center. This book accompanies a videotape of the same name that offers six scenarios of multicultural early childhood (prekindergarten through grade three) classroom practice.
Leslav , A. , Krausz , E. , and Nussbaum , S. “ The Education of Iraqi and Romanian Immigrants in Israel . ” Comparative Education Review , Vol . 33 , No. 2 ( 1995 ) , pp . 178–194 . Lewis , H.D. The French Education System .
The real tragedy is that white folks don't even realize that the dialogue has been silenced . you can read me , you have ... into what I call the l - may - be - poor - but - I'm - not - black ( or , -I'm - not - a - woman ) syndrome .
Did You Know? This book is also available as a Wiley eText. The Wiley eText is a complete digital version of the text that makes time spent studying more efficient.
If the school initiates the evaluation, parents must be notified and consent to it, which for special education must be ... In addition to nondiscriminatory assessment, testing must be multifactored to include as many tests and ...
Nondiscriminatory Evaluation The IDEA requires that students with disabilities be evaluated fairly . ... In addition to nondiscriminatory assessment , testing must be multifactored to include as many tests and observational techniques ...
Turn challenges into opportunities With this outstanding collection of chapters by leading scholars and researchers in the field, you can develop the knowledge and skills needed to maximize the opportunities...
Multicultural Education: Towards Social Empowerment and Cultural Maintenance
This volume will appeal to a wide range of academic readership, including educators, researchers, social students, teacher trainers, and teachers of all subjects and of all levels, who wish to develop personally and professionally.
An important goal of the 9th edition is to help educators attain a sophisticated understanding of the concept of culture and to view race, class, gender, social class, and exceptionality as interacting concepts rather than as separate and ...
This new text on diversity and multiculturalism captures the complexity of multicultural education by examining issues from early childhood through elementary school, high school, university, to the workplace. Testing and...
Classrooms are currently undergoing enormous change as school populations become increasingly heterogeneous.
Multicultural Education: A Partnership
This comprehensive book is the only one of its kind to approach multicultural education by integrating context, process, and content. It uses this threefold perspective to examine the impact of...
The book is well suited to courses on diversity and multiculturalism, and classes on teaching methods for pre-service teachers.
Multicultural Education: A Renewed Paradigm of Transformation and Call to Action
A collection of original essays by scholars of multicultural and bilingual education which serves as an ideal introduction to both fields. A review of selected multicultural publications and a descriptive...
Primarily designed for use in teacher education programs, this manual provides education faculty with a resource for building multicultural education training into the teacher education curriculum. Chapter 1 defines terms...