
  • Munich: The 1938 Appeasement Crisis
    By David Faber

    9 Bymidafternoon on12January Lindsay's telegramshad been deciphered,anddespatched to Chequers forthe Prime Minister's attention, accompanied an explanatory minute from Cadogan. 'The by Presidentcertainly has courage,' he acknowledged, ...

  • Munich: A novel
    By Robert Harris

    And once again, Robert Harris gives us actual events of historical importance--here are Hitler, Chamberlain, Mussolini, Daladier--at the heart of an electrifying, unputdownable novel.

  • Munich
    By Robert Harris

    A spy thriller set against a backdrop of the fateful Munich Conference of 1938 follows the experiences of a rising star in the British diplomatic service who is on a disastrous collision course with an Oxford friend, a secret member of the ...

  • Munich: What to See and Do If You Can't Stay Long
    By Alison B. Stern

    Some models use diesel fuel , so XVIII Car Travel.

  • Munich: Excursions to Castles, Lakes & Mountains
    By Andreas Ascher

    Anit 10 Badii81 11122 Grodigo Rausch Bg . Reichenhall Großgmain Leonhard Puch 1853 6.HI Weißbach Bayr . Gmain TSCHLAND Schneizlreuth Hallein 558 Hochthron UnterSteinpaß Dürrnbergo jettenberg Bischofswiesen Unken 573 Toter Mann ...

  • Munich
    By Jeremy Gray, Insight Guides, Susanne Rick

    Offers a detailed discussion of the people and history of Munich, explores every district in the city, and provides tips on travel essentials, accommodations, restaurants, and activities

  • Munich
    By Jack Altman


  • Munich
    By AAA Publishing, Daniela Schetar, Friedrich Köthe

    An innovative series of pocket-size travel guides featuring lay-flat spiral bindings and full-color illustrations provides valuable information on a wide range of popular travel destinations, including recommendations for restaurants and ...

  • Munich: Hofbräuhaus & History : Beer, Culture, & Politics
    By Jeffrey S. Gaab

    This book explores the connection between beer, culture, and politics in Munich to examine the crucial role the city has played in the development of modern Germany over the last thousand years.

  • Munich
    By Wheeler, John Wheeler Wheeler-Bennett


  • Múnich
    By Robert Harris

    Sin embargo el primer ministro inglés Neville Chamberlain está dispuesto a lo que sea para evitar la catástrofe y viaja a Múnich para negociar a la desesperada un acuerdo que garantice la paz. Europa entera contiene el aliento.

  • Munich
    By Robert Harris

    September 1938 Hitler is determined to start a war. Chamberlain is desperate to preserve the peace. The issue is to be decided in a city that will forever afterwards be...

  • Munich
    By Lillian Schacherl, Josef H. Biller


  • Munich: The Eleventh Hour
    By Robert Kee

    Munich: The Eleventh Hour

  • Munich
    By Teresa Fisher

    AA Citypacks describe the best of everything that a city has to offer - whatever your interests, taste and budget. Each volume in the series provides public transport maps to...

  • Munich
    By Lillian Schacherl, Josef H. Biller
