Museum Basics

  • Museum Basics
    By Crispin Paine, Timothy Ambrose

    Lord, G. D. and Markert, K. The Manual of Strategic Planning for Museums, AltaMira Press, 2007, ISBN 9780759109698. ... Yao, C. et al. Handbook for Small Science Centres, AltaMira Press, 2006, ISBN 9780759106536.

  • Museum Basics
    By Crispin Paine, Timothy Ambrose

    voltage lighting , which is also very cheap to run . This is a form of lighting which seems ideal for museums ; unfortunately it is expensive to buy , and in many countries still difficult to obtain . FLUORESCENT LIGHTING Fluorescent ...

  • Museum Basics
    By Crispin Paine, Timothy Ambrose

    Fully updated and extended to include the many changes that have occurred in the last decade and including glossary, sources of information and bibliography, this books draws on a wide range of practical experience to provide an invaluable ...

  • Museum Basics
    By Crispin Paine, Timothy Ambrose

    This new edition of Museum Basics has therefore been produced for the many museums worldwide that operate with limited resources and few professional staff.

  • Museum Basics
    By Crispin Paine, Timothy Ambrose

    For them, there are other possibilities. One is that the local Schools Service may be able to lend a teacher to the museum, perhaps for two or three years, who could be trained to apply teaching skills to the museum context.

  • Museum Basics: The International Handbook
    By Crispin Paine, Timothy Ambrose

    ... museum/fileadmin/user_upload/pdf/Codes/code_ethics2013_eng.pdf Jacobsen, J. W. Measuring Museum Impact and Performance: Measure Success, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016. Kotler, N. and Kotler, P. Museum Strategy and Marketing: Designing ...