
  • Music: An Appreciation
    By Roger Kamien

    The flute and piccolo are played by blowing across the edge of the mouth hole ( the recorder , a relative of the flute , has a " whistle " mouthpiece ) ; but the rest of the woodwinds have a reed — a thin piece of cane that is set ...

  • MUSIC: Then and Now
    By Bernie Keating

    Gene Autry Garth Brooks Glen Campbell June Carter Cash Roy Clark Kevin Costner Charlie Daniels Dixie Chicks Everly Brothers Larry Gatlin Lee Greenwood Faith Hill Alan Jackson George Jones Miranda Lambert Jerry Lee Lewis Loretta Lynn ...

  • Music: The Illustrated Guide to Music Around the World from Its Origins to the Present Day
    By Alan Blackwood

    Both the Greeks and Romans made these instruments , in which water pressure maintained a supply of air to the pipes . This one appears also to have a simple keyboard below the pipes . The joy and pleasure of song , expressed by this.

  • Music
    By Alan Blackwood

    Surveys music throughout the ages, including musical instruments, the development of classical music, jazz, folk music, Eastern music, opera, pop music, and the mechanics of broadcasting and recording

  • Music: A Brief History of the Western Musical Thought
    By Emanuel Dimas De Melo Pimenta

    The book, with more than 200 hundred illustrations, has a preface by the American writer, journalist and philosopher Jon Rappoport, and introduction by Dario Evola.

  • Music: A Social Experience
    By Steven Cornelius, Mary Natvig

    Graham choreographed nearly 100 works. Perhaps best known outside dance circles is the vibrant Appalachian Spring (1944), set to music by Aaron Copland. Important choreographers who spent formative years in Graham«s company include ...

    By Donna Latham

    DJ Kool Herc (1955–) is the stage name of Jamaican-born artist Clive Campbell. He's a legend, and the father of hip-hop. In 1973, he began blasting a thrilling new genre into the music scene of New York from the streets of the Bronx.

  • Music: The Business (8th edition)
    By Ann Harrison

    Drawing on her extensive experience as a media lawyer, Ann Harrison offers a unique, expert opinion on the deals, the contracts and the business as a whole.

  • Music: a Very Short Introduction
    By Nicholas Cook

    ... EMPIRE Stephen Howe ENERGY SYSTEMS Nick Jenkins ENGELS Terrell Carver ENGINEERING David Blockley THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Simon Horobin ENGLISH LITERATURE Jonathan Bate THE ENLIGHTENMENT John Robertson ENTREPRENEURSHIP Paul Westhead and ...

  • Music: A Very Short Introduction
    By Nicholas Cook

    The Modernist Legacy : Essays on New Music ( Farnham : Ashgate , 2009 ) , 101-21 ; Stockhausen , Texte zur Musik 1970-1977 ( Cologne : DuMont , 1978 ) , 468–76 ( translation by Tim Nevill and Suzanne Stephens , formerly at < http&nbsp;...

  • Music: A Very Short Introduction
    By Nicholas Cook

    Nicholas Cook. KABBALAH Joseph Dan KAFKA Ritchie Robertson KANT Roger Scruton KEYNES Robert Skidelsky KIERKEGAARD ... C. Guelzo LINGUISTICS Peter Matthews LITERARY THEORY Jonathan Culler LOCKE John Dunn LOGIC Graham Priest LOVE Ronald&nbsp;...

  • Music: An Appreciation
    By Roger Kamien

    -1914 ) Basic sets : Cassette 8A , band 1 CD 8 1 Putnam's Camp , Redding , Connecticut ( 1912 ) , is part of Three Places in New England , a set of three pieces for orchestra evoking American history , life , and landscape .

  • Music
    By Dan Green

    With its lively, creative approach, this is a unique and highly memorable one-stop guide to the building blocks of music.

  • Music

    Uses cartoon-style characters to explain basic concepts in music, discussing the basic characteristics of music, musical notation, musical instruments, and styles of music.

  • Music
    By Sally Morgan, Pauline Lalor

    Fact boxes of key figures; Profiles boxes; Technical tips and 'on the job' panels; Technology boxes; Full glossary and index; This new series considers a popular medium and explores how an example of that medium is made, from concept ...

  • Music
    By Charlotte Guillain

    Describes several occupations in music, including composer, music producer, and sound engineer.

  • Music: A View from Delft. Selected Essays
    By Edward T. Cone

    Included in these eighteen essays by Cone are his never-before-published essay, "The World of Opera and Its Inhabitants," the unabridged version of "Music: A View from Delft," an introduction to this collection by the author himself, and a ...

  • Music
    By Michael Campbell

    The text is accompanied by an audio CD set, an interactive eBook, and a CourseMate website with streaming music, interactive listening guides, interactive demos of musical elements, interactive style comparisons, quizzing, flashcards, and ...

  • Music: The Expressive Art
    By William Barney Stacy

    Music: The Expressive Art

  • Music: A Subversive History
    By Ted Gioia

    This French singer may even have introduced the story of Parsifal, knight of the Round Table, into Germany, setting the stage for its transformation into a national epic under the auspices of Wolfram von Eschenbach and Richard Wagner.